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6 Fledgling


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  1. Hello guys, I need help, I downloaded ep 19 and the game didnt turn on instead it said I needed a graphics card that supports Gl 2 or later and I have a laptop, and can't get a better graphics card. I'm not sure what to do, before downloading ep 19, it was fine. Problem solved guys, found the solution in reborn discord, thanks.
  2. hope it's ivs are to your liking
  3. just sat when you are ready as well
  4. Hey, I'm willing to trade
  5. Problem: There is no background music in my game, only sounds of pokemon and other, but the music is gone. I looked around the forum and saw that this has happened to others, tried with Windows Media Player and K-Lite codec but nothing changes. If there is anyone who has an idea of what I can do to solve this problem, I would be really grateful 🙂 

  6. Hey, I can give you a Whismur if you want.
  7. Sure, that would be awesome!
  8. Hey guys, I am looking for a Chikorita. Does anyone want to trade a Chikorita for a Shiny Bellsprout, or a Shiny Sewaddle, or a Shiny Spearow?
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