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5 Fledgling

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    Community Building, GDC

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  1. This love triangle, left us in a rec-tangle (like if you get the reference) A compelling idea. It sort of fits with what's been predicted, since we thought Ren was the one that turned evil for real but that was obviously not true. Melanie is still a part of Melia's personality, as shown in that weird dream sequence. She's just sitting there. She's going to be incredibly evil, have no moral compass about her, yet somehow I can redeem her because she's going to have a British accent. :D
  2. Thought of two random-ish things: (1) what if Erick is connected to the Timesurfers in some manner? His hair sort of looks like Freya’s hair. Also, we know that he became the leader after both Saki and Volta gave up their positions, and that Saki’s disappearance is connected to Freya. There’s not much, but it could relate to something. The way he talks is also similar to Kieran. Specifically, we could be dealing with part of the plan stated by Robot Amanda. After all that scene took place in West Gearen where Erick is currently leader. (2) I think the title of Chapter 14 is HIGHLY significant. ‘Death of One, Birth of Another’. This has been explained in part by the devs. Death of one refers to the fall of Bladestar. So it strongly implies there will be another evil team. I think it is likely Madame X may not be our #1 opposing force... I think the name Celine is relevant still to that fact.
  3. OK, this isn't a fully formed theory but... is Nim actually a demon? I remember this based on what Damien said about Nim being a multi-dimensional abomination who takes this form. But the question is, can we actually believe him? I mean, I seriously thought Nim was on our side and the next thing we know she's turning people into stone left and right. Is this because of Crescent's influence? What's her genuine role? The problem is how many different sides there are in this conflict.
  4. My, that is... Somehow this whole virus just got real for me.
  5. I do understand why people dislike her as a character. When you start the game it's easy to see her as perfect and having no character flaws. But this is really not the case. And frankly, I don't care about anyone being romantically involved. (Although it'd be nice if they were happy). Rejuvenation isn't about small feelings. It's about the fate of the many universes.
  6. I'm concerned about the Grookey line, since it actually gets a field HA. It really could shut everything down. How does the team handle this? Make it beneficial, without being overpowered?
  7. He'll be SO CONFUSED when he gets to Titania... *uses Flamethrower* *opponent resists/is immune* What? Must be Shade distorting the type chart! At least in the battle against Adrienn he had two Poison types. That's what saved him.
  8. This thread really has spiralled out of control.
  9. I think Saki's Twitter has been hijacked by Freya. Here's my theory, what if Freya has banished Saki to the shadow realm Puppet Master's House of Fun and either we fight her there or (since we've had a storyline like that before) we go in, get her back, and then fight her.
  10. That is some quality art right there. In the latest Twitter entry it implies that Saki has been ‘erased’. But what does that mean? Could it mean potentially that she is not only gone, but It’s happened before. I wouldn’t be surprised if Freya has powers to this extent given what she was capable of in Where Love Lies. Of course since we’re the Interceptor, we don’t forget. Valerie and Adam on the other hand...
  11. Removed her from reality? Are we going to the shadow realm in this version?
  12. I do like the theory that Crescent is part of the Elite 8. I think it will sort of work like in Insurgence: not based on types but on strategies (maybe on specific field effects that you don't otherwise see). Besides that we know Karen, Tesla and Jolene. I keep on thinking that Rorrim B could also be part of the Elite 8. There's also a thread somewhere on this forum where Jan explains how the Elite 8 works: four of them know where the League is located, and the other four actually live there. So four of them are like 'gatekeepers'. Karen is probably one of those.
  13. I agree. The only way we can really explain Crescent’s behaviour is that some of the characters we thought were on our side may turn out to be evil. It’s anyone’s guess who those actually are.
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