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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by AzureOnyx

  1. Not necessarily a gym leader, but Sirius at Tanzan Cove. (Delete if not allowed) Not sure why I'm having such a hard time beating him. Once I get to his golisopod, the whole battle goes downhill. Luxray (54) Charge Crunch Discharge Thunder Fang Typhlosion (51) Rock Smash Flamethrower Smokescreen Lava Plume Camerupt (50) Lava Plume Earth Power Yawn Earthquake Meowstic (female, 51) Light Screen Signal Beam Future Sight Psychic Toxicroak (50) Poison Jab Mud Bomb Sucker Punch Drain Punch Mawile (52) Iron Defense Iron Head Play Rough Crunch I also have Dodrio (50), Sharpedo (47), Donphan (45), and Swoobat (45) in my PC
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