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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dooblerino

  1. oh that reminds me, pangoro with body slam paralyzes opponents and is busted as hell
  2. I remember being able to find them pre-evolved, although yeah that would still take really long
  3. Drill run is a ground move that fearow learns at like lvl 45, and they're found in I believe the jasper ward? hold on lemme check
  4. For toxapex I used a dugtrio with Earth Power/fearow with Drill Run, not sure if you have them but if they're kickin around in the PC it's worth a shot I guess
  5. I reset and it turned off but that was weird as shit dude
  6. After losing to Bennett I saw the debug option in my menu, how did I even do that??? Does anybody know how to deactivate it I can't handle this much power
  7. I've tried fishing on the top of the volcano where you fight Cal, it enters the fishing minigame but nothing ever bites. Is there a possible outcome or is it just really rare?
  8. Is the downside dunking on that old lady and feeling morally stagnant or is there something else
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