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6 Fledgling

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  1. hey, for the ash geninja mod, ow were u able to actually add the sprites in for the game

  2. I customized some sprites I found online
  3. Seriously though, Reshiram route sucks, everything is so morbid. I should've stuck with Zekrom, the better of the 2 dragons.
  4. Negative on the second one, I checked. I went into more detail in the comment above.
  5. That's pretty nice, I didn't know the first one, also either Ciel or Samson dies depending on the ruby ring. I figured some other differences on my own too, Anna's dialogue when we wake her up is the most optimistic during the Zekrom route, in the Reshiram route however, depending if you defeated Solaris or not, she acts differently. If you defeated Solaris, she would be a bit nervous and mentions a broken wing boy but still be determined to fix things. If we didn't defeat Solaris, Anna would basically have a panic attack and apologize to the PC. Also the extra dialogue with Radomus is probably because of the Zekrom or Reshiram route. In the latter route, his backstory would be more fleshed out, where he mentions the merchant he alluded before was himself(he foreshadows himself, what a egoistical madlad) that stole the keys and turned them into Jewelries. The Emerald Brioche he gave to the Jeweler(my theory is that this Jeweler's daughter was Luna, and Elias erased her memories), the Ruby ring to Corey, the Sapphire Bracelets to Monty and Caroline(both of them gym leaders), and kept the Amethyst Pendant for himself and his wife. Also Nostra, the Jirachi, probably belonged to Anna's mother as well.
  6. Please read the title , I was asking about ep 18 in particular. As for Corey, I fought him on both fields and it was definitely much tougher on the normal one.
  7. Yeah, I know that much, but I was just asking for more detail about episode 18 story branches in particular. Like what triggered Radomus to tell me his whole story and not Voltsy. And what other differences are there?
  8. So basically, I've completed the glass factory gauntlet(which was like an hour of hell), I've yet to reach Agate city so please don't spoil that part yet. I compared my play through to HeroVoltsy's episodes of the glass factory ,and noticed some things different. First of all, the dialogue with Anna is drastically different when we try to wake her up. And second Radomus goes into much detail into his backstory than he does for Voltsy by doing the same "It was a long time ago.." platitude. So can someone please tell me what other things are different, and for what scenarios?
  9. I started playing Reborn recently, and I just wanted to say thank you for creating this mod. For me, it works like a charm(although I haven't tried other multi hitting moves except ws), and it made my Reborn experience a lot more fun and unique
  10. Yeah, I deposited the ice creams, the taffies, the peppermints,the chewing gums and the Red hots. Only kept the Blue moon.
  11. Thanks you so much, you're a lifesaver! or in this case, timesaver!
  12. I'm really sorry, but how do you accept invitations?
  13. Online trade nick is Semiya. I have a Shiny Spheal or Piloswine if you want.
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