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17 Fledgling

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  1. Absolutely love this team! Bug is one of my favorite types (and is severely underrated) so I always appreciate seeing teams like this :)
  2. Thanks so much for all your hard work! So excited!!!!
  3. cute!!! :D I'm always all for pink shinies hehe
  4. oh nooooooooooo lmao rip!!! T_T truth be told I only recently found out what the reborn ball does lmao but I just thought it was pretty :> thank you so so much again, have a great day/night :3
  5. oh no, I change my pokemon's poke balls using debug for The Aesthetic hehe
  6. thank you SO much!! this was my first time trading and I didn't realize you trade from your party so i gave you Zebstrika ;o; would you prefer a shiny?
  7. its nature isn't a big deal, i have some mints :3 but thank you sm! and omg that was fast!! my online username is Ghostea whenever you're available :>
  8. Are you sure? I'll feel bad giving you something kinda meh when you're putting in effort to help! ;o;
  9. Omg thank you!! it's to actually use in game :3
  10. hey there! as the title suggests, I'm looking for a Gligar. I have some shinies I can trade, notably a timid Charmander!
  11. thank you so so much for all the hard work you've put in <3 we appreciate you so much!!
  12. Murkrow and Honchkrow are fantastic!! I think I'll use it as a consistent rotation mon rather than a main team member, simply because I've used Honchkrow many times and want to try something a bit fresh
  13. Funnily enough Sharpedo and Ribombee were my first picks! If I use Ribombee I'd have 3 weak to flying, is that an issue? I'm sure I'll have a rotation, but this is just the 'main' squad I'm thinking of :3 I love both of those, so I'll definitely look into it! thanks That's a great idea! I'll write that one down! if not on the main team, rotation for sure. thanks so much!!
  14. hello all I am back at it again <3 I'm having a blast with Reborn E19, but once again am at an impasse when it comes to team planning. I'm still pretty early in-game (just beat Shade), so I don't yet have access to most move tutor moves or stronger mons, but what I have planned so far is: Arcanine Roserade Medicham (will eventually be my mega!) Mamoswine Arcanine will probably be a mixed set, with Heat Wave. Looking at a team planner, I don't have ghost or psychic coverage, or a fairy type (which is a must, it's my favorite type). Do you guys have any tips? I have the absolute worst time team planning or figuring out which 'mons work well together. I'm willing to change some team members, if that's best. Any advice would be highly appreciated, thank you!! <3
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