Hello everyone
I am new to Pokemon reborn and am amazed by its difficulty. I am at my first playthrough and have recently beaten Noel. During this run I have basically learned everything about Pokemon on the go, because the last time I played a Pkm Game was like 10 years ago. Because of this I realised, that I made a lot of mistakes early and also, that I need to try hard to play through this game. So I wanted some input on my current team and maybe some hints, what i need to improve and what already is good with it.
Here is my current roster:
Golem, lvl. 55, Sturdy
Earthquake - Strength - Stone Edge - Rock Smash
Jellicent, lvl. 56, Damp
Brine - Hex - Recover - Hydro Pump
Amoonguss, lvl. 56, Effect Spore
Solar Beam - Toxic - Synthesis - Giga drain
Ampharos, lvl. 57, Plus
Power Gem - Signal Beam - Light Screen - Discharge
Bronzong, lvl. 56, Heavy Metal
Gyro Ball - Extrasensory - Hypnosis - Future Sight
Scrafty, lvl. 56, Shed Skin
High Jump Kick - Rock Climb - Crunch - Fire Punch
Decently trained Pokemon in my Box: Mamutel, Alola Vulpix, Floatzel, Ratticate, Wigglytuff, Chesnaught, Magcargo, Meowstic male, Luxray, Drapion
I have around 50 wild pokemon that I never trained.
Any feedback is much appreciated