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Johnny_Nevori last won the day on March 2 2020

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50 Samaritan


About Johnny_Nevori

  • Birthday 08/29/1870

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  1. people thought pet rocks was entertaining and bought those. its a losing battle ill never win like i said no one will agree with me.
  2. Why do people buy their stuff? I mean anyone reading this and anyone who has ever watched a gamer on YouTube has played the same games they play. What makes them any different than you or me? why do me and you have to work a real job to just barely pay my bills and be able to play theses games, while these people sit around all day playing the same games we play and people pay them for it, Seriously? WHY? (and some aren't even good at some of the games at all) I can understand if its a game developer/designer or artist or programmer or someone that actually creates stuff like Ame or Jan or who ever else that makes actual games or does something productive and wants support for their work/products. but the ones who literally just sit there and play the games and that's it and get paid for it just so they can buy new game systems and clothes and travel to different places and meet people they want, NO, that's stupid. there are players out there putting up the same type of videos but ain't getting paid for it, so why do the others get paid? I just don't understand. But you know I bet nobody agrees with me and honestly that's fine cause your the ones who are working hard to get paid just to pay these people your hard earned money so they can live wealthy and comfortable with all the nice things they desire all for free. Well that's the end of my little rant for the day, Sorry if this upsets someone.
  3. I ask myself this question everyday.. 🤔😕




  4. Yeah but then it would lose out on another move
  5. Yeah if sleep powder actually effects the mon your against, abilities and typing and speed sometimes block that move and and again speed kills so if you get OHKO'd on the first move cause the mon out sped you then its no bueno lol but yeah thats why i said its pretty good other wise. Volcarona out speeds Vivillon and hits it with Flare Blitz, its SE plus STAB at 120 and Vivillon's low Def stat = OHKO Hypno with insomnia can't fall asleep and puts Vivillon to sleep instead and uses 2 Thunder punches its SE = 2HKO Its good no doubt but I just think speed and D are a problem for it's weak typing and if you check Smogon its in the NU Tier.
  6. yeah if it doesn't get OHKO'd by everything, it's pretty good but not good typing and low Speed and no Def/Sp.D makes me kinda shy away from it. Plus.. Galvantula has better typing and stats and the same ability and possibly better moves Heracross & Scizor both mega and have better typing and way better stats and abilities and moves Escavalier has way better Attack and Def/Sp.D and way better typing and doesn't take crits Volcarona has better stats and typing and has the same moves
  7. Whats cananada(i can never say this word right) like?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Johnny_Nevori


      yeah, what do you do? student? artist? programmer?

    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight


      Looking for work mostly factory

    4. Johnny_Nevori


      I used to do that kind of job, Ive bounced around a few types of jobs, I even did some computer work for a while after I graduated college, jobs are always hit or miss though.

      So don't worry you will find something.

  8. Do you like anime? if so, whats your favorite show?

    1. Anjuna


      Currently a hard choice between Neon Genesis Evangelion and Devilman Crybaby haha. Watamote (profile pic related) is definitely a guilty pleasure though. 

  9. Whats Ame been up to lately? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnny_Nevori


      Really? well I know it will be amazing when you release it. 😁

    3. Amethyst


      ty~ hoping that won't be too long

    4. Johnny_Nevori


      Take your time. No stressing. Have fun with it.

  10. Yeah screw that lol no offense
  11. Well Now.. 2 for Charizard - Flying Dragon Style 1 for Arcanine - Legendary Dog Style 1 for Rapidash - Blazing Fast Horse Style 1 for Ninetales - Mythical Nine Tailed Fox Style 1 for Volcarona - Erupting Sun Style
  12. 10/10 Ventus is F'N Awesome but my fave is Riku. Love that pic though
  13. AHH! seriously got to watch what you click on in theses Forums, just clicked on a question and ended up seeing spoilers for Rejuv... UGH 😞

  14. the complication was kinda what i liked about Morrowind you just kinda go a little slower at it but i find once your in rhythm everything goes smooth but Its ok Skyrim is more than good enough, ESO is also another option as well if you don't mind playing online. Yeah found Serana weird/interesting but i think to me most of the vamps were lol Imperials are okay, not bad being as they were enslaved but escaped. but they got that luck of coin which comes in handy in the beginning. Yeah mods can get very tricky when they work off of another that's why i try to limit my usage of them. Dawnbreaker always looked cool to me but it never fit in my play style but what do you mean it sucks in the base game? did it get nerfed or something?
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