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  1. Ahh. I'm still on episode 5.1, so that's probably why then. Sorry for the misleading info.
  2. You can get a deino through the Ceila fight club after you fight 5 elite trainers and talk to the judge afterwards.
  3. I'm back! Will be chilling for the time being.

  4. Is it available in this release of the game? I would like to use it for some team optimization.
  5. I just thought we could ask anything but spoilers on this thread. If not, then in the future please be more transparent so this does not happen again.
  6. You can play with either one. Apparently though Game-z version of the game runs better (on my computer at least).
  7. I can trade you one! However one has adamant nature but bad Attack IV (everything else is good). The other has bad Attack too but it's slightly better than the other. They're both shiny!
  8. Tian

    Ground mono

    Maybe Excadrill and Gliscor. Those are two pretty good mons
  9. Tian

    Ground mono

    What's ur username
  10. Tian

    Ground mono

    You still online?
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