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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Fflipp

  1. I was able to figure out what the formatting error was and fix it myself. I believe I also cleared up the issues that claydol was having. While I was poking around though, I noticed that the additional sniper damage from the fearow crest only procs on critical hits, instead of applying 100% of the time like in rejuv. Is that intentional? PokeBattle_Move.rb
  2. I've downloaded this patch, but the Fearow crest is still giving me the same error.
  3. I'm not super familiar with gen VIII, but I am super curious. What changes/additions were made that affected physical attacks as a whole?
  4. So take my input with a grain of salt, because I haven't actually played PoA for e18. Your proposed solution does sound pretty good though! It would vastly simplify tutorializing how to obtain the altformes. Since information for PoA isn't going to be available in standard places like bulbapedia I think it's very important that it's all readily available in game. Having a one stop shop for plate breeding makes that a lot simpler. Location based evolutions are a neat concept, but from a design perspective if there are more than just a handful I think it would be necessary to incorporate some sort of "plate-dex" that the player could access to see what altformes are available and where/how they can be plate evolved.
  5. I saw the Ep. 1 plans to add gigantamax forms as mega-stones. Does this mean that there will be no regular dynamax/gigantamax? Also, will max moves still be available to the mega stone gigantamax pokemon?
  6. I'm trying to complete the pokédex, and after 4+ hours of resetting mining rocks I am more than ready to give up. The dome fossil is the only remaining fossil that I need. I'm willing to trade pretty much whatever for it. I have a ton (whole PC box full) of good IV shiny Ferroseeds that I'd be willing to part with.
  7. I didn't pick up any power items before entering agate city, so I'm looking for a trade to get a power anklet now.
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