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Shadow Angel

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shadow Angel

  1. In Addenfall Woods, it is possible to walk around and get to the Black Foxes without triggering the event (blue square). This doesn't trap you (you can just go back and step on the trigger square for them to notice you), but it's rather weird that you can walk right up to them without them noticing, and then step back on that specific square and the event triggers.
  2. Yes you can, there is an option in the in-game menu to register for the online server
  3. V13 will not be the finale of Rejuvenation, I think you're confusing it with Reborn E19. Rejuvenation will go until V16 or V17.
  4. Hey Jan and everyone, Am playing Desolation E5 while I pass the time for V13 and E19 ... would like to tell you all about how excited I am for the update! Finished Reborn E18 almost exactly 2 years ago about at the end of 2018, 3 months after discovering the whole community, and started Rejuv shortly after at the beginning of 2019, and there I made a big mistake. While I now know that V11 was already out at that point, I downloaded V9 by mistake (I think you should put an obvious disclaimer on the old downloads to let people know that there is a newer release available.) I played through the whole game and only noticed I was playing V9 right at the end when I got the message that I was at the end of V9 content. I was about to update to V11 and continue that playthrough, but I got a new computer around that time and just kinda forgot about it. A year passes, then in early 2020 I find out that V12 released, and downloaded the correct version this time to start a new playthrough. I got as far as Teila resort before I started procrastinating continuing my playthrough throughout the pandemic summer and fall, with the election looming and all that (somehow I can even procrastinate doing things that I enjoy.) I kept thinking I would get back to continuing my playthrough, but never quite made the leap to resume after the months-long absence. Once I saw the news in the fall about V13 development, and saw how there would not just be much new content, but also a major revamp of the older content, and that it was being recommended to start V13 from the beginning once it comes out to experience the remastered older content and gen 8, I decided to put off Rejuvenation until V13 released and then start a new game. Thanks to my mistake back in 2019, I will be getting an extra special experience with V13, seeing the revamped older content and then experiencing the story of V10, V11, V12, and V13 all for the first time fresh, brand new, and mostly unspoiled. I give my best regards to Jan and friends for making this great game, and everyone in the community for supporting each other through the events of the past year. Happy New Year everyone, hopefully 2021 will be lit by the end of these terrible times and lit up by us all. Here's to a better future! Best Wishes, Shadow Angel ps jan i nominated you to get the award award award for surviving covid and everything, so you can thank me for that.
  5. Is it possible to go left and use the elevator to get down instead of the ladder? I seem to remember doing maneuvers like that when I played, though that was 2 years ago. Try it and see if it works
  6. Member of the Year: Caz for continuing his game after so long Rookie of the Year: Toothpastefairy for optimizing Reborn ahead of the finale (is he eligible? he joined in 2019 but I don't see any content on his page before this year) The Carmen Sandiego Award: Trevore (I read some of Reborn Story of an Unlikely Hero) The Smelliest Auth Award: Marcello (idk so many dev blog posts) The Profile Picture Perfection Award: Forget the name but the one with the COVID Grim Reaper saying No Lives Matter The Craziest Conspirator Award: Node15 (https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/50802-child-lin/) Smollest Bean: Chxxo Supportive Cinnamon Roll: andracass (for supporting chxxo and for working so hard on improving Reborn while Ame was off on her own project) Most Likely to Start a Religious Cult: Evi Crystal (she already started an alternate Reborn parallel universe, now it's time to believe in it) Apocalypse 2020 Superstar: Amethyst (Starlight Divide, and just keeping her whole community going) Most Likely to be Adopted by a Staff Member: chxxo (already pretty much has) Member Most Likely to Never Give You Up: andracass (see Supportive Cinnamon Roll) Award Award Award: Jan (Surviving COVID)
  7. When you wake up in the woods with Connor at the beginning, you can walk around Connor and leave without talking to him (see picture). The beach loads in with the starter Pokeballs, but without the debris that is supposed to have washed up overnight. If you take a starter without powering on the healing machine, you are stuck as the game will not let you activate it, and you will be blocked from following Connor back onto the beach with a message that you need to activate the healing machine.
  8. Shadow Angel

    hi again

    Seconded. I found this game even later, 2 years ago shortly after e18 released, and it already feels like I've been waiting a long time lol. I dissent! Dear Ame, don't be so hard on yourself. You mention that working on this other project has refreshed you for the final stretch, and I consider that a very good thing. We want you at your best. Besides, it's not like no progress was made on Reborn during that time, as your loyal friends like Toothpastefairy and Marcello and your lover Cass have done much-needed work in optimization for speed, AI improvements, etc. This polishing of the engine is something that should have been done anyway, and now you get to finish the game with these improvements already in place for you to build upon. I also approve of the self-reflection and reorganization you have done to improve your general well-being. Remember the changes you made. Best Wishes, An Admirer
  9. Jan, your Twitter account is gone

    1. Jan


      It got locked because the site said I wasn't old enough LOL. I got it back lol. I just have to wait 24 hours

  10. You should revert to a backup savefile. I think the instructions for that are in the FAQ. If not, look around on the forums for how to restore the previous save.
  11. Note that Rare Candies will still work to rise above the cap, but any Pokemon above the cap will no longer obey you (like traded Pokemon in the official games, but applies to all Pokemon in Rejuvenation). You can take advantage of this to get a level-up move or evolved Pokemon before the level cap rises to the needed level, as you can use Reverse Candies to de-level your Pokemon back below the level cap, and then your Pokemon will obey you while keeping the move/evolution obtained at the higher level. I did this to evolve my starter for the very difficult ghost gym battle, where the level cap is 35 but my starter evolved at 36.
  12. @Toothpastefairy for Sunlit Sovereign because sounds awesome both studying physics and optimizing Reborn. Fairies fit Sunlit Sovereign, right? Second the golden trio after their bombshell announcement regarding the revival of Desolation.
  13. I found another. This character in the basement of the Ranger HQ is called Shana here, but in all other dialogue she is named Maybeline. Shana is another character in the virtual league sidequest.
  14. I found a typo when you first enter Kakori Village. "upspet" should be upset
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