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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by MhicKy

  1. Can someone help me? In Terajuma I am stuck on the part where we need to find Nim, like.. Where dahell is she?! -EDIT- Nevermind, found her.. It was in a area I didn't knew you could go since it was well-hidden as a travel point from another map..
  2. Anyone can tell me how to access the secret area on Venam's Gym now? (And remember to reply in spoilers if you know)
  3. MhicKy

    Canyons and Comfort

  4. Does anyone knows where to use the Package Key? Got it from a random NPC on Celia Central that gave it to me but says he doesn't know where it goes so.. Where?
  5. I only have 2 MAJOR complaints about this game 1) It takes too long to get Mawile 2) There's no Mawilite just a wee joke, love the game
  6. Need help in a couple of things that have been puzzling me for a while.. 1) I completed the quest Pieces of Amaria and got all the colored pieces a long time ago, what do I do with them? 2) How do I get into the fight club in Celia? The bouncer just tells me to "Get to know Garret" but I am already in Farmbale and he still says the same thing.. 3) There was that foxes double-agent I sided with during the quest with that detective and I never seem him again.. Do I need to do something else? 4) There's a Gulpin in North Celia looking at the sewer but the sewers are locked, is there a way in? 5) There's this Scrafty in Celia West that just says "It seems to be waiting for something", is there something related to him or he's just there for no reason?
  7. Ffffffffffffffffffffffff- Alright! This will not stop me from beating this with Mawile anyways!! Thanks for the reply
  8. Anyone can tell me if Mawilite is available in the game and, if yes, where is it?
  9. Holy Sh*t, it's happening~ I have a question tho', is Rejuv finally get the same password system as Reborn and Desolation? (I really like those)
  10. Anyone know where can I get the TMs for the fang moves? Yunno, Thunder Fange, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, etc
  11. 1. Thanks! 2. Thanks!! 3. Dammit! Still quite some way then.. Well thanks for the answers!
  12. So I literally just started to play this game, I am having a lot of fun, I specifically love the password system allowing me to ditch IVs and EVs from the game and lessening the grind so I can just enjoy the history and the battles without worrying about these but I need help in a couple of things (Looked around the forum and couldn't find the answers so) 1) In the Weeping Depths there's a quest that you need to pay respect to the dead, how do I do that? 2) Also in the Weeping Depths I need to find a book, I looked everywhere and couldn't find it, there's a locked gate there so I assume I need to open it? Where do I get the key? 3) The Mawiles! WHERE ARE THEY?! WHERE ARE MY BRETHREN?! (I just beat the 3rd gym)
  13. I mean, I wasn't saying that we need that to play the game, I already beat Reborn and Rejuvenation many times, but it's just to make replaying it much easier since you don't need to worry about anything other than Ability and Move Set But alright then, if you can't do it you can't do it [shrug]
  14. So we all familiar with the passwords we can input in the beginning of the game to add some flavor to our runs, yeah? I came up with this password that I would like to see added in the game, the reason why I am suggesting it is cuz I really like both Reborn and Rejuvenation but it gets really hard to pitch it to other people since, in order to beat, it's almost required to have a full team with good IVs, EV trained, with the correct Nature and Ability so, a lot of times, the story gets halted because you get to a gym battle where your need to change one or two (if not all) members of your team in order to pass it and breeding takes time and requires some know-how, sure you can use debug mode but I am sure a lot of people, like me, feel "dirty" when using it even if it's just to fix IVs, EVs, Nature and Ability and would rather not have to resort to it at all. So what does this password do? These effects combined: ALL Pokemons (Wild, Trainers, Bosses, etc) come with 31IVs in each status. ALL Pokemon have 85 EVs in each status. Nature is set to either Docile, Serious, Bashful or Quirky (Natures that don't increase nor decrease any status). Remove items that either increase or decrease EVs. Remove the "Pokemon Psychologist" NPC (The guy in the underground that can change your Pokemon's Nature). The Move Relearner can now teach Egg Moves. Disables Online (It's a mode just to pass the story without having to worry about the grind anyway). I hope I can see something similar to this in the future, it's just a suggestion tho'
  16. "Know how to code, and get along with Cass." Oof, that's a tall order, coding is easy tho' (I am joking, I am joking, don't nuke me)
  17. MhicKy

    Balancing conundrums

    I don't really mind the difficulty being toned down since I re-played this game 6x already and I know that there are some parts that are just huge sudden walls, I always dread having to re-do the Gaera x Zetta fight at Mount Valor since the deck is ridiculously stacked in their favor with their team comp, the field and the fact we can't rely on Melia's AI that much, Souta is another one that is kinda of annoying to get through and, a lot of the times, forces me to completely change my entire team just to beat him, so I get that some people might find this game too difficult to enjoy, specially if they don't understand the IVs/EVs mechanics all that well. All I really want now is the same password system Reborn has so I can use the one that makes all Pokemons have 31IVs so I won't have to force myself to either breed one pokemon for hours or succumb to using debug mode for the convenience.
  18. Haven't posted here in a while, huh.. A spongebob meme featuring my Mawile And a Rule63 of said Mawile (Don't mind that white square up-top, I don't wanna be banned from the forum so..)
  19. Manage to update the game to 19.0.4 using the updater but now on the 19.0.5 the updater doesn't start because it says it's "unwanted" or a "virus", I went to the windows security and checked the status and set it to be allowed (image bellow) but it STILL stops me from using the updater.. Anyone with Windows11 have a solution for this? (Firewall is also OFF)
  20. This is the best!! Go, Jan!! I gonna re-play AGAIN and this time with 2 savefiles for the good and bad ending!!
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