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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by MhicKy

  1. And there's also that new building near the bridge that the receptionist always tell us we are "not strong enough" to go to but I think that one won't be until v14 since I think it's related to the number of badges.. It might be even post-content I think.. But anyway, just a nice reminder that place exists
  2. Now we are asking the big questions! The name always has been "MIssing Children" but all we got so far about these children is that Nurse Joy that freaks out once she sees Ana saying that was the figure she saw when the kidnapping happened but nothing so far other than bonding time with Ana in various locations..
  3. Well, you can still obtain one in the Alamissa Ruins after doing the Karen sidequest there. Hopefully.. I really am sick and tired of equipping my mons with Plates/Berries because I have nothing better when I could use an Assault Vest, get my Obstagoon with Guts to have a Flame Orb, etc etc e tal
  4. I don't think this will happen because you're kind of a rare case.. Most people do these things as soon as they get to a new place, you're honestly the one and only person I've seem so far that lost the quest and want a way to complete it afterwards..
  5. Well a lot changed since then.. In v12 the common strategy was to turn the Sky Field into a Cave Field by using Smack Down + Dig so you could easily sweep him with a Lycanrok afterwards but Jan keeps catching on to these cheezy strats and changing it.. Now changing the field into Cave Field is impossible and Souta has 3 Pokemons with moves that change the field back to Sky Field anyway so.. Yeah.. v13 Souta is ridiculously more difficult than any other previous version..
  6. Pseudo Legendaries, yeah! But I feel like Zygard Cores will be a no since I think Jan will leave actual Legendaries for post content, Zygard 10% is a pseudo legendary but as soon as it becomes 50% it loses it's "pseudo" status (Tho' I wish to be wrong, OH! How I wish to be wrong.. Zygard is my favorite Legendary..)
  7. Yeah, none of these are available yet, at the end of v13 you'll be able to get your Pokemons up to Lv90 but you won't be able to have things like Flame Orb, Choice Scarf, Assault Vest, Choice Specs, Field Extender, etc. I just feel it's high time we get those already.. Back in v12 I was so sure we would get them in v13 since I thought we would be able to access the upper floors of the GDC Department Store but we ended up with no new stamps to collect anyway so..
  8. I guess it would be difficult since the "skeleton" of Rejuvenation is based on versions were regional variants didn't exist so.. Yeah.. There's just 2 major things I want: 1 - All starters available and more event Pokemons 2 - More items like Assault Vest, Flame Orb, etc
  9. Yeah, other romhacks are baby-mode in comparison to Reborn/Rejuvenation.. I usually like to play on Normal with the Battle Style on Shift too cuz I don't like getting stuck but since this is my 5th time playing v13 I decided to challenge myself a little (Still not trying Intense, f*ck that!)
  10. If you're playing with Battle Style on Switch you can try to get a Boltund with Strong Jaw instead, the Flying-type on the Oricorio won't be damaged by the Electric moves but at this point you can just use Crunch (Which will be boosted by the ability) and OHKO it, Boltund also has Nuzzle to paralyze the Dragonite and can also learn Ice Fang in case you wanna try to take it out (Tho' I prefer to paralyze it since Boltund's Ice Fang won't KO it) For the Dragonite, since A-Ampharos won't be faster than it because of the lack of Tailwind, if you're playing on Battle Style Switch you can just take the hit, KO the Dragonite, switch back to Steelix once he sends the M-Pidgeotto and just heal the A-Ampharos back to 100% too.
  11. Also, remember to equip a Chesto Berry and keep the Misty Terrain up, it will try to put it to sleep with a Lovely Kiss, the Misty Terrain will prevent her from doing so forcing her to just keep attacking while you stack Calm Mind
  12. @Pokeman54 I think I got that Elemental Seed in the Old East Gaeren hidden in the bushes on top of the Lab, I think.. To get a Steelix you need to capture an Onyx on Carotos Mountain, make it hold a Metal Coat and use a Link Heart to evolve it, the Metal Coat can be obtained on the West Gaeren Power Plant literally just sitting on a table on one of the rooms to the left.
  13. S.def bulky Sylveon with Misty Terrain, Calm Mind and Mooblast Also, a piece of advice, your team is filled with speedy glass-canons, they may be better at dealing with common trainers but once you get to difficult and tricky fights like these they will usually be wiped out easily, you need to diversify your team a bit with other types of strategies like getting a bulky staller, a screen settler, a debuffer, etc.
  14. Good question.. Maybe it's in the making, I guess.. I mean, if the wiki has that stated about Crests then Jan just set himself in a path he can never look back! Where our Emboar and Serperior Crests at, Jan?! You can't run away from your crimes frorever, Jan! Gives us what you promised, Jan!! Jan? Jan!? JAAAAN!!!
  15. WTF?! Cindaquil path is Typhlosion, Steelix, Quilfish, Jolteon, Miltank and Gliscor..
  16. What Z64 said, quoting the wiki: "If one Pokémon of a distinct group (starter trios, version counterparts etc.) receives a crest, the other Pokémons of that group generally also receive one, resulting in some already "strong" Pokémon receiving crests, such as Empoleon and Infernape" So yeah, basically it was given to him and Empoleon just because Torterra received one so.. Yeah.. Empoleon isn't as strong as Infernape so the crest is still quite useful but Infernape was just a "for fun" status change because if Jan gave it any sort of buff it would be too strong since it's already one of the top starters.
  17. Wait wait wait.. THE TEAMS ARE DIFFERENT DEPENDING ON THE STAiRTER?! Now that's a thing I didn't knew.. I always thought the teams are the same EXCEPT for the starter.. I always pick Cindaquil.. Damn.. Can someone tell me the Pokemon teams of each path (except Cindaquil cuz I know, duh)?
  18. I just wish that all the starters become available already.. We at v13, our Pokemons are reaching Lv90, I feel like there's no point in keeping the strong starters and Pokemons (*cof cof* Magikarp *cof cof*) out of our reach this far in the game already, we even have access to megas and z-moves now, give us Torchic, Chimchar, Magikarp, etc or we will revolt!.. Somehow!.. Please?..
  19. I will leave the Team I used to beat him, I played on Normal, Battle Style on Set and No Items and, in spoilers, how the battle went, bare in mind some RNG is needed because of that DAMNED flinch of 30% on Sky Attack.. - Steelix (Iron Plate, Lead) Stone Edge Gyro Ball Stealth Rock Curse - Togedemaru (Elemental Seed) Zing Zap Spiky Shield Fell Stinger Nuzzle - Pincurchin (Nothing) Zing Zap Surf Electric Terrain Recover - Magnezone (Zap Plate) Discharge Flash Cannon Electric Terrain Thunder Wave - Talon Flame (Sky Plate) Brave Bird Flare Blitz Quick Quard Roost - Aevium Ampharos (Wide Lens) Blizzard Thunder Power Gem Thunder Wave Now how the battle went, remember, I had Battle Style on Set, will keep this in spoilers if you don't want to use it and want to figure out on your own: It's not impossible, massively difficult, yes, but not impossible.. If -I-, a person that isn't even that good and tends to get frustrated and basically bangs his head against the wall in annoyance, could do it with the Battle Style on Set and no items than anyone who isn't imposing those on themselves can do it too.
  20. Nowhere, it's only in the testing area that is only accessible through debug mode. Iza joke, mam
  21. 2 places. 1 - Teila Resort, in the center where there is 3 hula-girls selling stuff one of them will be selling these for 5000p$ 2 - In the Nightmare City, in the second area (where you fight Zetta as Aelita) hidden in the right-side
  22. Yep.. Occam's Razor and everything.. IT's far more likely to just be difficult to code than an oversight on purpose.. One of the reasons why we are barred from using the PC when we are controlling other characters is because of that, it's far easier to just not allow us to use the PC so we won't steal Pokemons/Items we weren't suppose to have than to create an entire new code around it..
  23. Yep, looks like her hoodie got more detailed in her tiny sprite form That place reminds me of Yakuza Zero for some reason..
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