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Everything posted by MhicKy
Weird spot on Route 2?
MhicKy replied to VioletZoroark's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Standing on that spot make so that Keta won't sacrifice himself on the Mewtwo and, instead, a Mew will show up and snap Mewtwo out of it's "shadow state" creating a happy ending for Aelita where she and Keta can finally talk and understand each-other! Not really tho'.. -
Nope! Only way is to load a previous save file and either choose to not go with him or, if you do, don't tell him that Flora is Bladestar
Yep.. If you go with Florin in the cave you CAN'T tell him that Flora is Bladestar, boy will be bye-bye!
Where is the IV mod?
MhicKy replied to stan and kyleh's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Just get Debug Mode.. It cuts a lot of the grind -
Scorbuny always.. Cinderace w/ Libero is just an OP starter, period.. Best Pokemon to put either an Assault Vest or Black Belt.. (Thanks, Jan!) His move pool is also insanely good, Pyro Ball is just physical Fire Blast with increased accuracy, like, excuse me?! It can also have a lot of coverages with High Jump Kick, Zen Headbutt, U-Turn, Sucker Punch.. All while doing STAB with a massive Atk base stat and Speed.. Seriously, what-the-fuck was GameFreak even thinking when they created this monster?! My best moment was when I fought Clear in the Ligo-something Engine room, I literally came in to that battle blind with Cinderace as the lead and it SWEPT her entire team with the only exception being her Naganadel for obvious reasons.. The resume of that battle:
Elaborating.. You need a million coins in order to advance and you're only given 10.000, the best way to farm those is by betting (aka, if you lose, YOU LOSE) your coins in the arena. The arena is a 3v3 and the trainers you fight are random but it's a small selection, you can increase your gains by talking to the NPCs and finding a sponsor, the best sponsor is the old man in a fedora by the left side of the casino area that can increase your gains by 10x, so just keep fighting on the arena, win and eventually you'll get there, but again, remember, you're BETTING if you lose the fight you will lose the coins too. Or.. You can gamble on the slots but.. It's just.. Don't, just don't.. Or else you'll take weeks in there..
V13 was a BLAST. ( spoilers )
MhicKy replied to Vhein's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
That fight is just plain RNG.. Even after realizing my only chance was to keep using Yawn to get it to sleep, my first two attempts on this strategy were foiled when it literally woke up by turn2 three times in a row.. Jesus.. Some fights are way too unfair.. I wish that fight was one of those were you don't need to win.. -
Best type for a 1st mono run
MhicKy replied to Herbs's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
I concur.. Kinda.. I pretty much try to capture every Pokemon in every place I go and I have renamed boxes based on Pokemon's primary typing in alphabetical order, some of these boxes needed a second one because there were so many it filled an entire box, and in my capturing spree I found that the most common types are, in order, Normal, then Water and finally Grass, with the most rare ones being, from least to most, Fairy, then Dragon and finally Flying Like I said above, believe it or not, actually primary Flying-type Pokemons are quite rare with only ONE I found so far being Noibat which is Flying/Dragon.. Most other Flying-types are primarily Normal-type like Pidgey, Spearow and Hoothoot which are Normal/Flying. -
Is Nidoran [F] shiny-locked?
MhicKy replied to Valyrian_Reforged's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Funny that I saw this thread because when I started my first playthrough in v12 the Nidoran-F I caught came shiny so.. -
Best type for a 1st mono run
MhicKy replied to Herbs's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Not really since it's an ability and not the type itself Usually I like to make monoruns on Normal-type, am I the only one?.. There's plenty of Normal-types everywhere and a lot in the beginning that make dealing things easy like the good'ol Meowth and Glameow with Fake Out for quick drops on Venam and Girafarig and Fearow to make Keta's day an absolute nightmare! Did you know that the majority of Flying-types are also Normal? Finding a pure Flying-type is actually pretty rare, weird, huh? -
V13 was a BLAST. ( spoilers )
MhicKy replied to Vhein's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
I concur.. A lot of Pokemons from Gym Leader have stats over the limited EV, example, Ryland's Nidoqueen literally has 252 in ALL EVs.. A lot of leaders and important battles literally cheat in order to make the game challenging, which is not really the problem, I get it, but if the game will cheat to this degree why can't we have items like Assault Vest then? The AI can literally have it while also having Pokemons with 252 EVs on everything so.. Why is it bad that we have it but not them? Saki Has TWO megas and a all her Pokemons surpass the 510 EV limit but I can't have a Flame Orb for my Obstagoon (PS: Love you, Jan, please don't hate me) -
Additional Crest Mod WIP
MhicKy replied to ty_taurus's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
I am pretty sure it only triggers once per KO (meaning it resets if you use Max Revive or something) but, if that's true, then that means your crest idea is terrible.. Since you can pretty much cheese every fight with Endeavor + Quick Attack since the Endeavor will totally heal it since it has low HP anyway and it heals the damage done so.. Against a player they could see that coming and plan ahead but the AI is.. The AI so it will just see "This pokemon is weak, I can KO it with this move, I will use move" and then get bodied by it.. -
Will edit my comment then, thanks for the reminder
After defeating Venam you head to the Gaeren Labs, in the left section there will be a black girl in the computer, she will give you the Virtual ID and also two challenges for the 1st and 2nd gym leader, after that you need to find the other people in computers to fight the other Virtual Gym Leaders, their locations are 1 and 2 - East Gaeren Lab 3 and 4 - Route 3, at a trailer in the left side right after entering the Route 5 and 6 - Terajuma, in the gym at the computer area, right side of the computer with the Porygon 7 and 8 - Kristilline Town after the 7th badge Elite 4 and Champion - West Gaeren, in the lower area in a random house but only after you're allowed to leave GDC the NPC will be there
Additional Crest Mod WIP
MhicKy replied to ty_taurus's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Well, it will only be able to KO one Pokemon and then get downed, Sturdy only triggers once so it's not like it can do multiple KOs with the Endeavor + Quick Attack strat (assuming it will heal all of it's HP with the Endeavor alone) Also, due to it's low 70 Speed, if the enemy Pokemon also has a priority move and happens to be faster, it will go down first before actually KOing anything at all.. The idea of giving Crests to Pokemons that can't evolve because of their gender is interesting but Combee and Salandit are just trash and need a massive buff to be competitively viable -
As long as you don't complain that the game is bad because you can't nuzzlock (throw back to -someone- who did) then go for it, I don't suggest it, but do as you wish.. I would specially consider removing the "Can one capture one Pokemon per new area" rule since you WILL get a lot of your Pokemons KOed so having this rule will be the faster way to a game over as you probably won't even pass Venam considering the only areas you can capture Pokemons before fighting her are East Gaeren, the Sewers, Gaeren Park and the Chrisola Hotel (For a total of 5 Pokemons, counting the starter) .. And depending of your luck you might get totally garbage Pokemons that won't help at all against her like a Fomantis or a Paras.. Allow yourself to catch, at least, one of each SPECIES of Pokemon and that would be good enough, I guess
Additional Crest Mod WIP
MhicKy replied to ty_taurus's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
That won't be enough to make the male Combee good in any way, in fact that doesn't solve anything, the poor stats are the main problem, it has a base of 30 Atk and S.Atk, that'ss utter garbage in every way.. The Pokemon itself is pretty useless.. even the moveset is pretty trash, when it's Vespiqueen it gets the "order" moves but a Combee won't get those.. If I -had- to suggest something, it would had to been something VERY drastic, a MASSIVE buff.. like: Combee Male Crest: - Deal 4x more damage - Gives it the Wonder Guard Ability There! Now it can actually deal some damage while also not being instantly one-shoted by anything that moves faster than it (specially considering it only has 70 Speed), I decided to give it Wonder Guard because, since it's a Bug/Flying, it has a lot of weaknesses anyway and it sounds fair. -
V13 was a BLAST. ( spoilers )
MhicKy replied to Vhein's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
@Lucifer Morningstar, in v13 there is ONE Toxic Orb you can actually get, ONLY ONE!! It's in the port of the Bladestar Underground in GDC which is fairly late too, might I add.. I am kinda upset that you can't acquire Flame Orb through legitimate means.. I had an Obstagoon with Guts just waiting for it.. I managed to steal the Black Belt from that training area in v13 where you had to choose a team with 3 Pokemons of the same type and Ren would fight you with 3 of the opposite type under advantage terrain but I am pretty sure that wasn't intended and probably Jan already patched it, dunno really.. And the fact there's only ONE Focus Sash in the whole game and after you use it's gone forever is also annoying.. Meanwhile Aelita basically produce the damn things.. I am already in the opinion that it takes WAY too long for us to get megas and z-moves, we've been seeing them since Gym9 with Erick, we even get a quest right in West Gaeren that gives more mega stones yet the mega ring is only available far too late after Ryland.. I think after the Puppet Master would had been a good spot to give us the damn thing.. -
Additional Crest Mod WIP
MhicKy replied to ty_taurus's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Here's one I thought would be fun! Kecleon Crest: - Kecleon's Color Change changes it's type BEFORE being hit by a move to that move's type - Switches base Atk with Def Kecleon has 2 main abilities, Protean and Color Change, while Protean changes the type before attacking to the type of the move used and Color Change after being attacked to the type of the move he was affected with, this new crest would change it's typing before he gets hit by the same type of the move going to hit him, so a weird mix between both Protean and Color Change, this crest would make Kecleon quite the defensive type since it would most likely always take a not very effective move since Color Change is just garbage and can be exploited by the enemy and Protean is only good if the Pokemon is fast enough to attack first (like Greninja or Cinderace) so this would make Kecleon quite the tank instead, of course, this wouldn't make Kecleon better than tanks like Umbreon since there are exploits to this crest too, some types still take normal damage from moves of the same typing (Normal and Fighting) while other take super effect (Ghost and Dragon) and this would affect Kecleon's ability to STAB as well but I was just thinking of the fun factor here, this could also make Kecleon a good lead for Trick Room settling. -
V13 was a BLAST. ( spoilers )
MhicKy replied to Vhein's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
The only thing I didn't liked about the v13 is the item management In fact, that's my MAJOR complaint, Item management in both Reborn and Rejuvenation is just too stingy.. We are already at the point our Pokemons are Lv90 and we STILL can't have access to items like Assault Vest, Black Belt, Flame Orb, Choice Specs, etc.. I was expecting that in v13, since we would finally be able to use megas and z-moves, that we would start having access to these, mostly through the GDC Department Store probably but we just didn't.. So while most characters already have end-game Pokemons with end-game items attached to them we still using Plates.. -
Additional Crest Mod WIP
MhicKy replied to ty_taurus's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
Furret isn't all terrible, it does learn some good moves but it's status are a bit off.. If you want my personal suggestion here Furret: - Atk and S.Atk values are based on Speed - Gives it the Neuroforce Ability So I checked the moveset of Furret, it does learn some pretty impressive moves but they are divided between Atk and S.Atk so I though "What if both Atk and S.Atk was based on Speed so it could be somewhat of a Hybrid?" and that's were I came up with the idea, so now Furret can have things like Aqua Tail along Flamethrower and be efficient with both! The Neuroforce Ability is a exclusive ability from Necrozma of all things.. It power up Super Effect Moves so the idea here is to have Furret be some sort of Hybrid Atk / S.Atk while having super effective moves be strong enough to be -almost- considered STAB since, with a base Atk / S.Atk of 90 (same as Speed) it won't be able to OHKO things even with a Super Effect so a boost is needed there too. -
Additional Crest Mod WIP
MhicKy replied to ty_taurus's topic in Official Rejuvenation Club's Discussions
I think the Luxray and the Vileplume is a bit over the top.. Luxray is already a descent Pokemon, it's just overshadowed by pokemons like Boltund that have better ability and speed, the already existing Crest doens't make it stronger than Boltund but it does make it more defensive than it but the Vileplume is the one that is waaay too strong.. Not only it now deals double damage to not effective moves (aka normal damage) but it's base S.Atk is boosted by 1.3x?! Vileplumes base S.Atk is 110, that would bump it to roughly 143, baring in mind it has the Chlorophyll ability and it's base Def. S.Def and HP are pretty decent too, if you put this Vileplume on a Sunny Day team this thing will become a monster.. If I -had- to make a suggestion on changes, well, for Luxray I would remove the STAB on QUick Attack, it already has Galvanize, giving it an extra 1.5x damage on Quick Attack on top of that is already too much.. You're basically making a Quick Attack have roughly 72 base damage while also being Electric-type AND priority.. That won't do.. For Vileplume I guess I would make something like "Behaves like Sunny Day is active" and that's all, meaning it can have it's Chlorophyll Ability active at all times, use Solar Beam in one turn and get double boosts from Growth, for example, no Tinted Lens or 1.3x boost in it's base S.Atk Now you talked about Arbok and Mightyena.. Here's my suggestions Arbork: - Gives it the Prankster Ability - Coil boost is now doubled Arbok's main thing that makes it stands out is the fact it can learn Coil, which is pretty good, HOWEVER, Arbok itself isn't.. And in Rejuvenation it got overshadowed by Aevium-Milotic which also learns Coil and is a much better, stronger, Pokemon, this change would make Arbok be able to use Coil and Glare with priority, which can be used both as utility and possible sweeper. Mightyena: - Base Speed increased by +30 (from 70 to 100) - Gives it the Strong Jaw Ability Main problem with Mightyena is that it's base speed is slow for the Pokemon that it is, it's moveset assumes it to be a sweeper but with such low speed it's hard for it to do anything against a faster Pokemon and get bodied by most Fighting-types anyway, being pure Dark-type is also a bother, being only able to deal STAB super effect on Psychic and Ghost.. The strong Jaw is to boost moves like Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Poison Fang, Crunch and Ice Fang, giving it some coverage on other weaknesses (sadly it doesn't learn Psychic Fang, shame). -
I think he meant in a way that it gets STUCK on dark type, even if not on a Blessed Field, at least I assume.. If that's the case, no, I am not having this problem.. Did you update to v13.0.5?