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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kuma45

  1. I hope this was not discussed or ask before. For some reason whenever I try to go back like 2 or 3 saves, my save file always stays the same ingame and I don't know why that is. Any help would be appreciated
  2. how or where do you get the 3 Data Drives?
  3. Kuma45

    v13.5 .Karma Files

    First of all, Congrats on the new update!!! after using the manual link and copying the files I get this error and everytime I try the windows one I just get an error that I should update the game or I get this error. Now I dont know if I am just to stupid to update the game but help would be appreciated.
  4. Ok great. Thanks for the quick answer
  5. If I wanted to restart the game (because my save is gone -.-) would you recommend to wait for the update because it has many changes to the game before the update or can I just start a new game?
  6. Ahh ok I get it now. Still would be cool to have the chance to see these points after every chapter in like an overview, but i guess keeping it hidden is more fun/rewarding and keeps you on your toes as well. Thanks for the explanation. :D
  7. So if I joined them I am on the bad route or does it not matter? And sorry for asking its just been very long since the last time I played to the latest update that I can't really remember much.
  8. how do I know if I am on the good or bad route of the game? Sry if it was answered somewhere already.
  9. It's really nice that you bring back 1 hit ko moves and smart how you handle them but my question is, are the restrictions only for boss-mon or for every fight in the game? Changing the boss battle to something that is more like a puzzle instead of this impenetrable wall is really great... looking at you Hippowdon. To focus on the Legendary that are important to the story and to give them story quests etc is in my opinion more important than to give every single Legendary a story. I mean there are 82 legendary including mythicals, so even if you would put them together (like bird trio, dog trio etc) there could still be over 20-30 quests depending on how far you would've wanted to go. So in that regard I think your move is a good one. Art and music are fire as well so all in all really good changes and updates.
  10. I softlocked myself because i didn't know about the oshawott bug, would be nice if you guys could help me. Thanks in advance. Edit: I have a question about the debug of v11. I used it on v12 and afterwards it screwed up my safe file and sice then i am missing some npc's. I redownloaded it and played through it again but I am still missing the same npc's and wanted to know if it is possible to change it back or do something about it. Game.rxdata
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