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Ancient -StS-

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ancient -StS-

  1. Generally Meggs function off of the fully evolved Pokemon, so Basculegion should let the egg count as a mono ghost encounter. But even if it didnt, according to the doc, Basculin replaced Frillish, it wasn't added on top of it, which should mean Frillish can't be received as a Megg
  2. According to the documentation, Frillish was replace by Basculin for the Onyx Mystery Egg, but after activating the monoghost password, Frillish was the egg I received
  3. So I just noticed something while doing a mono water run with this mod, but it seems like Snipe Shot's boosted crit rate wasn't implemented. Not sure if this was an oversight or a bug
  4. The last patch seemed to do something weird with the Pikachu abilities. It seems like the ability for every Pikachu form, from base to GMax to partner to cosplay, all had their abilities shifted over to the next (Libre got Triage, PhD got Huge Power, etc.)
  5. Out of curiosity, is there any documentation with new levelup movesets for the changes to Pokemon? I know at least most of it is following their most recent data, but I have noticed some changes (Growlithe having Guard Dog as an ability and Mareanie having Toxic Debris, Hisuian Samurott and Electrode not learning Ceaseless Edge and Chloroblast upon evolution, etc).
  6. So I found a minor issue, unless it was an intended change but it doesn't appear to be. The EV Overflow mod now automatically raises an IV when the cap is hit, rather than giving you the option to either raise it or keep it as is. This can be annoying when training up a Pokemon that has a relatively strong IV that doesn't need to be increased, but it increases anyways and forces you to grind your EVs again
  7. This hype train has just crashed through my bedroom wall, ran straight through to the other end of my apartment and left nothing but a deep trench carved out by its progression, and you know what? I am LIVING for it! It almost feels like a dream that things are this close to completion, and quite frankly it's a dream I don't want to wake up from
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