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About Wispexx

  • Birthday 10/29/2000

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  1. Dear NeoBolt, May I receive Shuckle, baltoy , rhyhorn (protector), minior, binacle. Then a solrock cause i accidently defeated mine (this mon could have any stat). Shiny if you could and then give one of them a kings rock cause tryna get a politoed. May they be shiny as well (minus the solrock). Take ur time :) ~Wispy
  2. Hello, May I get a bagon (any gender) and goomy (female if possible). i kinda have a special request, these two Pokémon aren’t on the list presented but would it be possible to get a trapinch and deino (gender and IVs do not matter)? I should be on later today, East coast time. Thank you so much, ~Wispy
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day ^^🍰

  4. So I have everything updated in the game and I am still stuck at the part where the explosion happens at the GDS and I accidentally left that area and I can’t get back to it. Is there anything I can do Bc I would really rather not start all over with all the progress I made. If you need my save file for that, where do I access that at and how does one post it on here. Thank you -Wispexx
  5. How does one change the colors of the tiles?
  6. So, I may be having a bit of trouble beating Arc light in the Devon Corp. I don’t have any healing items left and the electrocution squares keep defeating my high level Pokémon. I have only 2 high level ground type Pokémon unfortunately so the rest just kinda dies when I get to him. Is there anyway I can receive any help Bc id like to just beat that area and move on with the story. (also, sorry if this is in the wrong section, didn’t see one for asking for help)
  7. Not quite sure if my previous post was posted but any who, I’m stuck and not sure what to do next. I’m on the tainted light chapter I believe and im at the part where Ren locks the gate the city I need to go to. And Bc I was spam clicking while talking to Ren, I’m not entirely sure where I need to go or what I need to do.
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