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  1. Been looking for this as well, there is a lot of docs on this game but none for the escape room. If I find one will let you know.
  2. Thanks for the reply that makes sense, I guess I should have checked more throughly. For example: https://pokemondb.net/mechanics/breeding And https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Destiny_Knot I normally use pokemondb for the better interface, but I guess the information is not as accurate.
  3. Does anyone knows which generation destiny knot in this game is based on? I might be a littel rust but I think reborn used the 5 stats passed to the child destiny knot. I've been trying my luck on breeding and I noticed only 3 stats been passed to the child. Example: Parent 1: Parent 2: Child 1: Child 2: I might be wrong, but I think its using the 3 IV passed to child rule. Anyone knows if it should behave like that?
  4. Found it ! I was in a dive spot near the Totodile area that led to a series of waterfalls down to the B3F area. Thanks for the support!
  5. Thanks for your answer! I have found "a" b3f not the one I was looking for here I have found snorlium-z and abomasite, it's near the Totodile area. I will keep looking.
  6. I've been searching for missing TMs to help me reorganize my team for the Elite Four, one of the relocated ones for E19 is giving me trouble. I can't seem to find it, and I haven't found a YT video with this yet. Can somebody help me? I've been using this list to search for the ones I didn't get previously: E19 TM Locations Thanks for your help!
  7. Hello, I am building the replacements for my team and I am wondering if any of you have a high IV ditto to trade. I am searching mainly for high speed and sp atk other high IV would be nice. Let me know if you want something specific in return.
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