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  1. Alolan Ninetales crest: steel type moves deal neutral damage to the holder and deals neutral damage to steel type pokemon.
  2. I have a theory about Nymiera and Alexandra being the same person, just like Vivian and Aelita, (Alexandra knows about the obelisk, Alexandra is a descendent of Nymiera) and the sentence that Jan wrote about how Nymiera is living in modern day life is justifying this theory.
  3. I don't know if it's just me but saki isn't glitched anymore.
  4. Does someone know if trick room effects gyro ball? And how does Maria have two houses (marble mansion and the one in the badlands) that everything that happened in one happened in the other?
  5. I actually think that keta is alive because Irvin told us that the soul stone was empty, and in the picture we see keta trapped in a bubble so he is alive. The only question left about him is: how did he survive? I think I was wrong here, I now think that he is dead but madame x captured him because she wants to give him life. If she is able to do that she will have the power of time and space (with the time diamond) and now life and death.
  6. The fortune teller in the underground tells us that in the final battle the player stands in front of three of there friends, so I don't think the light prophecy talks about pokemon.
  7. I'm pretty sure that the player and venam are two of the lights because in a previous version when you meet indriad for the first time he says that knowledge and intelligence are in the room and I dont think that luca and lenny are the ones he was talking about. In the prophecies I think the man from "not born of man" is indriad but I may be wrong. I'm pretty sure her sisters are spacea and tiempa.
  8. I think crescent is a family member of the player because at the start of the game you can hear a conversation that the player's "mom" was talking to crescent and crescent tells her that all she wants is to see the player smile. So if she is not a family member of the player I dont know who she is.
  9. I was thinking something similar because there are still the dual prophecies and in blacksteeple we see the absol statue with the description of the four darkness, one of them being betrayal, so probably Reina will feel betrayed by Ren and will turn evil.
  10. Reina told us that a medium told her mom that one of her kids is gonna be good and the other one will be evil, so probably Ren/Reina will turn evil.
  11. This also tells us that professor Jenner is alive. I think that crescent saved him so she can torture him
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