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17 Fledgling

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    It's kinda in the name isn't it?

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  1. I had the bug too, I found that it didn't reset my team on repeat losses so you could catch a single pokemon and go lose to giratina with that, or just reset after each loss
  2. Can confirm that natu is still in v13, I ran into a couple in the depths but it seems like a pretty low encounter rate.
  3. Alright, no.1 no.2 no.3 I'd still look at them myself if I were you but here you go. Personally I think that the game of hide and seek is referring to how Saki has been missing for ages now and she is going to show up in V13. Based on the puppet imagery in no.3 and Saki's twitter she is almost definitely under the same or similar mind control/brainwashing that Valerie and Adam were. As for what 9 and 14 mean I've got no clue, the mind first points to a date, but that doesn't seem like the dev team's style. Though if it's also tied to Saki then the numbers happen to match up with the badge number that we were meant to fight Saki at (9) and the number that we currently have (14) and we already know the the steel badge is the next one that we are going to get.
  4. What if the nine means nothing and it was just added as a sick joke to see what crazy rabbit holes we would go down trying to make sense of it
  5. Don't overthink the first puzzle, the note with the riddle is really all that you need. fyi the keyword is case sensitive and in all lowercase
  6. Just saw this on Jan's Tumblr, responding to a question about the fate of the player's pokemon whenever they die, thought people might want to discuss this. This has some pretty interesting implications because if the Interceptor's powers can revive their pokemon, could it revive other humans? Maybe it's based on proximity, you might need to be in physical contact, maybe it works on whoever we are currently playing as e.g. Aelita and Ren in V12? This could also lend credence to the MC =/= Interceptor theory since their ability isn't limited to just their own body.
  7. The lack of any way to interact with the gif makes me think that its the end, though there is no way to know for certain yet.
  8. I wonder what the game of hide and seek could be referring to... I'm guessing that the way to progress part two is to find some secret second keyword but I've had no luck so far Assuming that you can go further and the gif isn't the end
  9. I think it was simple overconfidence, she couldn't imagine that Melia could possibly beat her so there was no perceived risk involved.
  10. Another possibility could be that Madame X just doesn't want to take the risk that they might lose against Melia.
  11. I think so. The fourth part of the Hidden Library quest chain had the same style of choice that we saw in the bad future so I'm thinking it probably has some effect on the ending you can get. This would set precedent for sidequests and main story mixing. With how important the other two of the XYZ trio seem to be and the similarities between the Interceptor and Zygarde it would be odd for it not to affect the main stroy somehow.
  12. So you don't have an auto-clicker on the refresh button? Pathetic.
  13. plus Cerra grabs Cella while you fight over the magma stone, meaning they can't be time travel versions of each other as they would've overlapped
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