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13 Fledgling

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  1. Actually I pretty sure amethyst has been working on 2 games the last few years star light divide and pokemon rejuvenation v13 because the credits do show her name on some new things I think last time I checked and reborns storyline and battle aspects are pretty complicated and making those into a game are even more complicated with all the code you have to put and pull apart
  2. I mean the dlc is basically v13.1 so I'd wouldn't make sense to distribute a debug script for just v13 if it won't be compatible for a future update same goes for v12 debug script
  3. Will it be available after the DLC comes out?
  4. wait saki has a twitter account???????
  5. Keyword a dream? Because people have a habit of having dreams and will always seem to forget their dream thous making " but speaking the answer out loud will turn your words into dust" more clearish ,because of REM rapid eye movement or in my opinion rapid eye memory which I quote of an article that " We can't know for certain if a person never dreams. ... Dreams tend to occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) cycle of sleep. A 2019 study noted that our ability to make memories is impaired during REM sleep. That would help explain why we're prone to forgetting dreams." the MC seems to have these split second dreams that lead him/her to memories of an unknown place and time When interacting with little things like the abandoned house or Eclysia Pyramid when we needed to fill up the lake to save Meila sister even Amanda stated that "this isn't the first time mc came to the aevium region" which means the memories the mc had arnt just dreams but another life he/she had and was possibly reincarnated.(sry getting a bit off topic) the key word could also be nightmare because the puppet master is in a weird dream world which is actually a nightmare world for people especially Crescent herself was found in that world and the cover of v13 holds the puppet master so it could be that? Also why is everyone saying 9 is important?
  6. Is the keyword a memory? since the MC has this forgotten figure either him/her near the end of v12 he/she keeps forgetting but tries to remember this other person within them selves but keeps getting farther away from those memories like it's turning into dust before the MC can even say or remember a thing......or is the key word is......Garufan
  7. JAN U HAVE BEEN WORKING TO HARD MAKING SURE THAT THIS FINAL CHAPTER IS TO BE PERFECT SO DONT STRESS URSELF OUT AS FARE AS I KNOW UR GAME STORY IS BETTER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE WHEN I FIRST SAW IT, WERE ALL PROUD OF HOW MUCH EFFORT U PUT INTO THIS GAME .....so please ounce ur done plz take ur time to relax and make sure to clear ur mind, u need it but what i should be saying is THANK YOU for making a game that i truly love most.
  8. After you finish the game will you make a new Pokemon game series?
  9. Wait there gonna be galar mons? next update?
  10. Is their a sandbox mode for POKEMON REJUVENATION?
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