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Bryan Blackner

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Everything posted by Bryan Blackner

  1. Bryan Blackner


    i am beyond excited for this. special thanks to all the develpers for this fantastic game. best pokemon game i'v played
  2. @Shiruu34all right i finally beat geara. I had to be very lucky and hope the Masquerain got fully paralyzed turn one. I used zing zap to finish it off. then i used yawn on the marowak and he missed the slash and burn. then i sweeped the rest of his team with my blaziken. Thank you for the help. I appreciate it so much.
  3. thank you so much i should level up as well because my lycanroc is level 44 and everyone else is level 42.
  4. Hey everyone I need help with Geara in Terajuma Jungle. I'm playing on Intense Mode and my team is: Blaziken @ Charcoal Ability: Speed Boost EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe - Double Kick - Blaze Kick - Ember - Bulk Up Sylveon Ability: Pixilate EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe IVs: 0 Atk - Moonblast - Hidden Power - Flash - Misty Terrain Quagsire Ability: Unaware EVs: 1 HP / 252 Atk / 3 Def / 2 SpA / 252 Spe - Earthquake - Yawn - Facade - Rock Tomb Lycanroc-Dusk Ability: Tough Claws EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe - Rock Slide - Crunch - Accelerock - Thrash Roserade @ Poison Barb Ability: Technician EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe - Giga Drain - Venoshock - Extrasensory - Hidden Power Togedemaru @ Magnet Ability: Lightning Rod EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe - Zing Zap - Nuzzle - Electric Terrain - Magnet Rise
  5. You have to extract the file and then use the game.exe extension
  6. never mind i just got the game to work my apologies
  7. all right there is another issue the png file below doesn't support the game and i can't get the game to work because of this
  8. I just extracted all the files i just extracted all the files
  9. I am using this app called joiplay on my Samsung Chromebook 3. In case you didn't know, Joiplay is an app that can run rpg maker games. I had to put my chromebook on developer mode to make this possible.
  10. I need help. When I open the game i keep getting this error Exception: ArgumentError Message: too many arguments for format string 176:Compiler:4032:in `sprintf' 176:Compiler:4032:in `pbImportNewMaps' 176:Compiler:4031:in `chdir' 176:Compiler:4031:in `pbImportNewMaps' 176:Compiler:4184
  11. I need help. When I try to open up the game i keep getting this error: Exception: ArgumentError Message: too many arguments for format string 176:Compiler:4032:in `sprintf' 176:Compiler:4032:in `pbImportNewMaps' 176:Compiler:4031:in `chdir' 176:Compiler:4031:in `pbImportNewMaps' 176:Compiler:4184
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