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5 Fledgling

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  1. I never really IV farm eggs since some take so long to hatch but I made an expectation for this egg. The Speed/HP is horrible but after almost 2 hours of hatching I'll take it since I plan to hatch a shiny one later.
  2. I was honestly about to start iv hunting Scorbunny when this little guy showed up. His HP is not that good but look at that Attack stat and I plan to make it speed boost as soon as I can. He's also Quirky.
  3. Thx! I think Cinderace is a physical attacker since its special attack is 65 vs its 116 attack. Its low defense stats make it a glass cannon due to its 119 speed. Though this is the first time I'm using Cinderace.
  4. Well, after about two days of resetting I finally got my Shiny Bunny (It's Female so this is the first female Shiny Starter I've used in Rejuvenation or Reborn )! Also, she has Libero! Though it is Relaxed Nature but its speed is high already and I can switch Natures later anyway.
  5. Was items in Chapter 3 removed cause it only shows two items for the whole Chapter (Was it always like that cause I forgot the entire story since I was waiting for V13 to replay through)?
  6. That's fine. Doing a shiny run so may take a while to get through depending on if the ivs want to play nice. Shiny Fire Bunny loves zero Attack and Speed ivs lol.
  7. Anyone else's screen still resizing to medium when using small?
  8. Same thing here. My screen goes from small to auto medium whenever my game starts-up or whenever I soft reset (shiny hunting my little fire bunny right now).
  9. I used the patch but my screen is still resizing when I soft reset or start the game up.
  10. Thank you! Literally just saw that mentioned on another post but was worried I'd wasted what little high speed I had left (and all night still just to finish) on something I couldn't play lol. Plus I've been waiting for the game to update before playing through again since this is my fav fan game.
  11. How do you assign controls or was that removed? Some keys on my keyboard need to be reassign due to the keys not working (Down arrow key, A, and Z keys).
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