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The Fush

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Everything posted by The Fush

  1. UNBELIEVEABLE UNBE-FUCKIN-LIEVEABLE I RETURN HERE AFTER LIKE 5 MONTHS ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT FOR THE 50 MILLIONTH GODAMN TIME, SOMEONE HAS CONFUSED WITH THAT ASSHAT ROOREELOO. THE UNORIGINAL ROO. THE SECOND ROO WHO APPEARED AFTER (or perhaps before) I SHOWED MY FACE AROUND HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME, Buddy. Arkhi. Listen to me. Roo The Fush and Rooreeloo are TWO DISTINCT ENTITIES. TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. If this godamn nonsense happens one more time, especially MONTHS after any activity from my part, im walkin straight up to your house and blasting your ass into space y'fuckin hear me? i'll kick your ass, nerd
  2. Is there any fictional character that you would fight in the ring and kick the ass of
  3. send help

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'm not sure if puppies are enough

  4. episode 14 - life is but a dream yeah you fuckin got that right drrr x2 because none of that shit felt even real this episode was stupid and i love it
  5. has anyone forgotten that durarara's continuing though it gave us a glorious 13th episode last saturday where everyone found out izaya got stabbed and practically none of them gave a shit it was beautiful
  6. yo i'm sorry if i didn't make myself completely clear but at what point did i refer to every single christian instead of just "many" I understand that the words I used may still be somewhat generalizing, and I do apologize for that, but I have seen religious communities around me abhorring this new practice and I did not intend to address and generalize the religion as a whole in any way. I tried to make it clear that I wasn't referring to absolutely everyone in my post.
  7. When it comes to how the christian religious community are mainly reacting to it, with many against it due to how it defies their beliefs and laws, I'm afraid I honestly can't treat them with due respect. Everyone can have their beliefs and opinions, but when those beliefs start silencing the beliefs of others, I'm not going to give them the time of my day. I'm not going to accept people saying that they and everyone else have the right to express their own opinion when their opinion stops others from giving theirs in the first place. On a lighter note, I'm incredibly happy and touched to see how joyous and celebratory many of my friends are; I've been sent pictures from some of my friends at a parade nearby and they just seem so happy to be alive at this time, truly expressing themselves without as much fear of oppression. IMO, there is literally no difference between sexuality and their respective marriages other than the sexes and genders of the people involved, and I'm glad that more people are starting to agree.
  8. it could also be summed up as "ufotable decided to use the realta nua scene instead of the garbage sex scene in the original VN"
  9. demolition d is a blessing to this planet

  10. is there any way to remove the trainer card from my signature or is it imprisoned there forever

    1. Vinny


      Nope. It's there to remind you to never make a card again.

      Mine disappeared after trying to delete it for two weeks ;_;

    2. Ikaru
  11. totally amazing spoiler
  12. yeah but those hits felt a LOT more like hits in the VN
  13. they made sure to show how he fucked archer up good i didn't really think they did much justice for rin kicking the shit out of caster though
  14. it'd take a fuckin age though
  15. he is crab man, with his crab hands
  16. yeah handicraft gems are stingy as fuck (2 slots for +1) so it's usually best to either have a talisman for it or just make do tends to be why i have a harder time picking blademaster sets
  17. looks pretty neat to me hope you have that handicraft talisman though, sharpness +1 is always a good thing to have i can imagine the set being a bit of a pain to get if it requires the horns you need to trade earth dragongems for though
  18. I have my own opinions regarding shirou's ideals in UBW but can't be asked to debate that so I'm just gonna provide my input on the fate route
  19. CAP: MonHun would require more physical research of nature though because monster design in this game has a lot of damn thought and physical featuring put into it hello golden rajang, let me farm you once again
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