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The Fush

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Everything posted by The Fush

  1. And on this episode of Ufotable's adaptation; Backflipping Berserkers and Masters actually fighting again!

    1. Sheep


      When that backflip happened I was like :o

  2. Not intending to participate, but as a note of help regarding Luck; it's fine to make certain Noble Phantasms have LCK as a sort of base for either how powerful it is or it's chance of hitting; Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg states, for example, that to avoid it, you need more of a high Luck stat; agility doesn't matter as much. It's that sort of thing that let Arturia survive against it when he first used it.
  3. Hexa TT was a bag of laughs in general to me, really; was surprised how much more entertaining it was on a smaller map than SR. If they would permanently implement it, I'd much rather it be on Treeline than Rift.
  4. I can attest to the power of Side-B Down-tilt followup, but as a tldr, the down tilt doesn't hit Pit when you Side-B him for some reason. Don't know if this is the case for any of the other characters.
  5. I'm still the better veigar
  6. I've been playing him for a while for the sheer hilarity of it, so I can only give tips on how to face range spammers like Robin and Megaman; stay on the ground and stick to shielding; in the air, your tactics range only from a down B to some low range air moves, and it makes it too easy to react to you especially since ganondorf can't really move horizontally far at all; force reaction from them by approaching while keeping your shield up, and read them appropriately. This can apply to some other heavyweights aswell. As for those other low % KO methods being mentioned, only DK's really seems to have any good setup for it, since you can charge up the punch and use it as you please; relying on the slowness of the most powerful attacks of the other bruisers is gonna leave you more exposed than a pigeon rushing to a dropped breadcrumb in a fancy restaurant.
  7. Do enlighten us to these methods; and please do detail how fast they are in comparison to the KO Uppercut.
  8. Considering that Charizard only has his X form for his mega, I think it's likely mewtwo'll only have one aswell.
  9. You misinterpret my statement; I wasn't saying that Brotherhood was identical to the original with the exception of animation quality; I'm saying that it's far better than the original could hope to be.
  10. That feel when Mael changes his avatar more often then I change my clothes
  11. LLLLLLLLLEGENDARY please nerf fiddle featuring guest star bobby "22/12" gengar and tons of salt
  12. If you've watched brotherhood, then there's little to no point in watching the other one.
  13. that feel when silver V for the 5th time except this time my points won't passively decay so this time i can actually remain in there until the season ends bye season 4 ranked
  14. The problem isn't really going to spread here unless the patient starts puking on everyone, because ebola doesn't spread by air and shit; it does so by bodily fluids from the victims of it; meaning that it isn't gonna be too bad. West Africa is going to have to be dealing with a shitstorm however, because they have a continuous direct source of it to screw them over.
  15. Especially since he already has a harrowing skin.
  16. pls I dunked mael into the galaxy and i can certainly dunk you too added
  17. I love how you were completely dodging my point anyway not gonna derail this thread now let's end it
  18. I had my kicks when you guys all took that long to realize that ideals are subjective. Gee, who could've known?
  19. Strange; I usually go up 8-14 points when I get a win as a faction.
  20. and in the midst of developed opinions, we find...
  21. shit i got this one so dusty and in this episode of Fush draws whoever he is very happy for in smash bros people whining about clones too much Lucina is amazin okay Tldr my anatomy is still shit i tried expect a hiatus while i go git gud at drawing stuff
  22. But the problem here is that they continue to be corrupt, regardless of whether or not they're in set parties. Neither situation makes a major difference in the overall result.
  23. Well, over here I really haven't found anything else this season to be notable to me.
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