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The Fush

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Everything posted by The Fush

  1. It hasn't really stolen the season at all; just attracted people who have links to the Fate series and thought studio DEEN was a bunch of wimps.
  2. This is implying that everyone would just happily all agree when the politicians aren't grouped; Germany told us otherwise back in the 1920s.
  3. Swordfighters goooo but real talk conquest winners are pretty much decided by the first day
  4. I second both of these; though any adaptation by Ufotable's bound to have stellar animation.
  5. i haven't lost all faith in my smash skills

    1. rustytengo


      that's all well and good, but the only thing i can concentrate on is that you have a Rin picture.

    2. Nico Nico Nii~
    3. Maelstrom


      Let's fight again then. It's been a few days.

  6. On one hand Wukong looks like a gramps here but on the other hand HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT VEIGAR ART LOOKS ORGASMIC RELEASE IT keep sweeping out the splashes riot
  7. I've seen this I've seen my failure Not really thinking that Sheik is outstanding, just decent; Greninja seems like a much more powerful speedy character to me. Offstage is hard stuff sometimes for me
  8. You're asking a few months too late, buddy.
  9. i have lost all faith in my smash skills

  10. no matter how much my internet fucks up i always get fed as veigar god bless this skin i had like 2.6k extra gold that i never spent RIP mejais
  11. did someone call for the dunkmaster
  12. Replaying Fire Emblem Path of Radiance right now for nostalgia and fun factor abusing the hell out of Smash 4 right now because damn it's still so fun some Osu and LoL that's about it
  13. Funny thing is, that's actually what they called themselves too. Yes, good times were had, especially when Malph ulted to setup my E and we fucking took down 3 of them instantly and then a nearby ezreal got FlashEQW'd, making 4 for 0.
  14. Man I love having 1000 AP and 2hkoing everyone I remember tryndamere, his life was brief, it ended with just a DeathfireQR
  15. holy damn when'd all these glossy ass new splash arts show up
  16. Are we going to keep quiet about the fact that another black citizen in St. Louis was killed after being shot 16 times by the police standing guard there, and that there is video evidence to prove that he was unarmed despite what the police claimed? One of the articles: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jimdalrympleii/st-louis-police-officer-shoots-kills-man-during-pedestrian-c#3y0qcd2
  17. Honestly IMO most of those contradicted that but hey opinions
  18. So basically it's what's been going on in worlds since season 2
  19. Literally everyone who plays against Greninja knows that, pal.
  20. y'know there's this time every so often that I just completely forget that jump can be used for recovery That aside, I'd argue shurikens are far too fast to short hop over unless your timing is godlike, but yeah, nairing/fairing in is pretty much what I've been doing for approach aside from the occasional back slash mixup. Actually remembering to use jump should help me with those recovery denials though, which have honestly been 75% of the reason why Greninja's frustrated me so much
  21. Just faced a good Greninja, holy jesus; he can spam mini shurikens at you until you take an aerial approach, and he has superb jumps and combo attacks in the air to avoid that; kill potential's definetely a problem for him, but he can hydro pump ( up B ) while you're trying to recover back up and just blow you away from ever getting back on, provided you're not Kirby or Jigglypuff. His other special tools work great for his slipperiness aswell. Been playing as Shulk against him, switching up stances to see which works well against his approach, but still struggling; any suggestions for the future?
  22. I've been online all the time you just never said you wanted a piece of the champ
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