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The Fush

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Everything posted by The Fush

  1. Funnily enough, no; I know not to expect too much of it considering I've heard Fate/Zero plays out far better (which is why I avoided the original adaptation), but fuck, man, I tend to put a lot of faith into Ufotable; that and the 1st episode this time around wasn't as yawn-inducing. Action between Lancer and Archer was animated gorgeously, definetely Fate/Zero quality in that department; I don't want to go too far, but I have some high hopes for this.
  2. So I'm still kicking ass a lot with Shulk in 1v1 Glory but unfortunately I seem to have developed the occasional love for stancing Jump and Back Slashing from a thousand miles above it works as long as I do some mixing up thankfully so I'm not complaining
  3. To name a few more, Bowser and Little Mac. Seriously though, I feel like they buffed Bowser a liiiiiiittle too much. Surprisingly fast dash speeds combined with game ender koopa claw, upgraded smash attacks and air options and even some ranged harass; not that he doesn't have his flaws, but jesus, he's a monster.
  4. So! Update regarding the levin sword and mechanics regarding it when it comes to Robin; protips for Robin players here. There are two ways to use the Levin Sword in the air while you have it equipped; first is by smash attacking in the air, and the second is by already holding it in your hand prior (you were partly right, Godot), if you used it for a smash attack on the ground or already used it in the air. If you want to switch back to the bronze sword in the air, either perform a neutral air or a tilt/jab on the ground with it, which'll make you be holding it again; this'll make your tilt air attacks become the bronze sword again until you use one of the methods to use the Levin Sword in the air again. Of course, if you've thrown away the Levin Sword temporarily due to being out of uses, you'll be using the bronze sword in the air even if you smash in the air. Shame the circle pad decides to think your tilt is a smash on occasion. As a disclaimer, it's still really hard for me to confirm this; when I switch back to the bronze sword, it still sometimes turns Levin on me even if I only tilt in the air. This shit is complicated.
  5. In those sorts of situations, I've honestly just found it better to mute them from yourself entirely; you sacrifice team communication that, when it comes to people as immature as them, can just be solved with smart pings, and you'll have the game more on your mind since their stupidity isn't there to drive you mad.
  6. Press B and hope you win add in bomb ombs and explosive boxes for extra hilarity
  7. You were pretty toxic, but everyone needs to have a vent at some point. Don't let it burden you.
  8. Ah yes, the beautiful chaos and anomalies that literally start within 3 seconds, die down again, and rinse and repeat

  9. That character was made solely to be an incestuous gary stu of a main character I think they just knew they ended up doing it and decided to go with it because it's that severe u heard me
  10. ...no, it disappears when it runs out of uses and reappears shortly afterwards. There's no timing to it.
  11. ... there's techincally no "putting away" the Levin Sword? Regardless of whether it's in your hand or not, the Levin Sword will always be used when you're smashing nd the bronze will always be used when you're tilting. Whether you're holding it in your hand or have it hidden makes no difference; only when you dump it due to overuse does it disappear for a brief period.
  12. I've hardly been keeping track of Worlds at all somebody who's been watching it do an entire tldr of it
  13. Gotten really solid with Shulk and Robin, and Ike's still as ridiculously smash-tastic as ever. Game's great and solid in general so far, even if a couple of the secret character choices are... questionable. Trying to do good with Lucina, Greninja and a couple of others to name aswell. There's a lot more characters here I like playing than in previous installments.
  14. Mirai Nikki in general was pretty solid for about the first half, (and the opening was fantastic) despite the flaws that I have regarding the entirety of Yuno's portrayal and the anime's focus on her. I feel like the crappy second opening was probably a sign I should've taken that it was only going to get worse. At least, that's how I felt. I mean, it's not as severe as how I felt about SAO's second half (which also coincidentally has a badder 2nd opening), but it's definetely something that threw me off from the series.
  15. Well, we've now amassed some posts doing so.
  16. THE DAY OF SMASH IS UPON US TOMMOROW And I finish this piece! Which I drew better than Shulk... Well, Robin is almost as awesome, anyway. Happy he's a bit of a variant from the other fire emblem fighters. Try counting the number of anatomical hand errors, it'll take you all night
  17. That's what happens when Kubo drags a show on it's ass for so long.
  18. I do generally tend to choose subs just because of convenience.
  19. Anyone with no hope for dubs of anime need only watch Cowboy Bebop and Baccano.
  20. Aka "friends we don't trust for shit even know we barely know them"
  21. It's been a while since I've posted any destruction in here, eh? This is the best skin in the entire game and you can not tell me otherwise
  22. Erick is already celebrating halloween with spooky China Jokes aside, that looks like it took an age to work it perfectly. Gj.
  23. Not exactly the biggest spectrum here; not to mention, Elfen Lied had an entire array of it's own problems. Honestly I don't get why prejudice and stereotyping in real life has to be carried over to imagined, fictional realms.
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