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The Fush

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by The Fush

  1. I'm back, and I bought everyone hats (not really). Close this topic if needed, unless people want to say welcome back on the forums instead of the server. anyway, hi again, guys why not <-- i don't know what the wynaut means.
  2. Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. Better get some sleep... only got like 1 hour...
  3. ^Doesn't realize that rocks can't be cooked.
  4. The Fush


    Banned because we've been breaking the rules several times.
  5. *Revives The Cookies And Aims Them At Rock, Making Him STONE Cold (I made a pun.)* Thank you for this hill... and the crown.
  6. Arcanine Blitzed Magnezone With Flares! It's Super Effective!
  7. Granted, but they then die quickly. I wish for a Snorunt.
  8. Nature naturally hates me. Otherwise, why would Breloom Bot spore me all the time?
  9. Why does your name remind me of Okami? (And I thought Rainbow Dash was the name of a cupcake...)
  10. 1. Because nobody else has (Yupyupyupyupyup) 2. Cuz Wurmple Is A Bawss. 3. If I Survived The End Of The World, I'd Go On A Field Trip (And Pray To Meet Snorunt.) 4. I'd Eat The Brain Of A Stupid Horrible Ruler. Just For Fun. 5. No Clue. 6. Ariados.
  11. Aerodactyl AEROlly Ace'd Infernape! It's Super Effecterodactive!
  12. Uh............................................................................................................ favorite Pokemon?
  13. Uh... *Can't think of anything* Favorite Pokemon?
  14. Bad puns aren't punny at all! Oh, and when I battled Sigmund: Roo The Baka: This battle is EELy difficult. And Later... Roo The Baka: EELektross can be EELy annoying, but it's EELementary to know that hEEL can rEELy EELsily be just EELed away at.
  15. So, to pass time in these last two days, being bored as ever, stupid as ever and lazy as ever, I figured I'd let you guys ask me stuff. On the side note, I post too much on the forums... why not
  16. ^is somebody i know NOTHING about, like many others on the server!
  17. I'm lazy when it comes to mountain walking, unfortunately. But I will try to have fun
  18. AGAIN, not sure if it's postworthy, but I'll be on a hiatus from reborn starting from this saturday until next saturday (a whole week, for those who don't know that (but who wouldn't, other than me?)), because my parents are *ahem* ''dragging'' me to some place called Marakesh for a one week holiday, and the place has zero internet (The Horror!). So unfortunately, today and tommorow will be the only days for the rest of the holidays (well, it's the holidays in england here) that I'll be here. If what Hidan said was correct, the League will be back on tonight, so I'll try again (not on friday, because for saturday i leave at 2 am in the morning...) tonight. I'll miss you guys after that. Have fun! Oh, and here's the usual Wynaut: why not
  19. The Reborn Movie Will Start Like Super Meat Boy.
  20. ^Should know that I am a Baka, so it's not surprising that I didn't realize it.
  21. Granted. But then everyone switched to NU. Sorry for forgetting last time: I wish for another blanket.
  22. Absol used Sucker Punch! That Mew was a sucker, so it was super effective! (Troll'd)
  23. Animes I've Stopped Watching: One Piece Bleach Animes I'm Currently Watching: Fairy Tail (Hi. la. ri. ous.) Katekyo Hitman Reborn (Rewatching) TTGL Death Note Nisemonogatari As for manga... TWGOK, and that's about it.
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