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The Fush

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Everything posted by The Fush

  1. I was about... 4 at the time, and i got Pokemon Crystal Version, my first video game ever (don't ask me how I got it, I have short term memory). I started playing it, grabbed a cyndaquil having no idea what i was doing, and just cleared the whole game with him. I was completely addicted to it, and NOTHING (with the exception of SSBM (my second game ever) from time to time) could stop me from playing it. I maxed levels, got dragonite, etc. (and was still oblivious to a lot of the factors in the game (which caused me to take, like, thirty tries to flamethrower Claire's Kingdra to death). It was the exact same thing when i bought sapphire about 5 years later, with mudkip. As time passed by at end-primary school (I live in england, keep that in mind), i bought games from all generations (not EVERY single game, there were some exceptions (though i never got pokemon 1st gen (not including firered))) and got hooked on even spin offs such as colusseum. Then high school came, my life fell in a pit, and i had to start studying more seriously. I started playing other games (though i played pokemon every now and then), and it became... a stalemate, you could say. But when the 5th generation came out, I bought black version early on, and played it through. I stopped again for a bit, looking back at the older generations, but then restarted a file. Unfortunately, I went to a games festival one day, and lost my DS lite and all my games except for two there (one being heart gold, which i only found YESTERDAY). My 3DS was useless due to needs of migration and poketransfering, so i bought another DS lite and pokemon White, retaining my spirit for pokemon. I also got platinum and started on heart gold again, transfering as many pokemon (starters took AGES too sort out) as i could to pokemon white, as I bookmarked Serebii.net and got a sudden interest in the strategic wi-fi side, understanding EVs now and all that. While I still train and pursue on the DS, i got Pokemon Online, met this server and carried out my newly learned (but still terrible XD) strategies. And that's where I stand as of this moment.
  2. ^said that I didn't beat something that i don't know.
  3. Did you draw your signature? If so, it's better than anything I can do... I suck at drawing. Speaking of, how do you paste drawings on your computer (not from da interwebz) on your signature? been wanting to put one down for a while.
  4. The Fush


    Banned for objecting towards bans which are made for teh lulz.
  5. Random Magical Biscuit Cookie If The Changed Name Doesn't Work, The Original Name Is DaHeadBeaver.
  6. Then the director gets so annoyed that he demands a rerun, which involves Roo Tripping Over. THE END!
  7. Gallade uses Psycho Cut. It's Super Effective! A Critical Hit! It's An Overkill!
  8. Granted. But it was a clone made by somebody else to deceive you.
  9. You're stupid because you've never gramatically correctly said "You're stupid"
  10. ^Is obssessed with rocks.
  11. Venomoth: The puppy-eyed moth.
  12. *Does A Generic Assassin Like Kill With Cookies On The Rock* MY HILL. (Is anyone else even gonna participate now?)
  13. The Fush


    Banned because it's right there in light blue colour and you didn't notice it...
  14. The Fush

    See ya

    *Punches himself until he explodes and dies 34 times* I need to get you back for that.
  15. Thanks A Bunch, Ikaru. The Glitch Doesn't Happen When You Use The Old Battle Window (Tested It With Rinny). Oh, and it did happen on other servers too, Ame.
  16. (Know I shouldn't double post, but I am forgetful) but ill test it again with the old window when i come online.
  17. It occurs with both battle windows, and shadow tag has never applied.
  18. First of all... what the fudge? And second of all, burn and poison don't apply to this glitch.
  19. For the less important characters, you could put some sort of escort quest system with them like Game Freak did in 4th gen (but not as annoying... escorting Mira out of Wayward Cave was a nightmare...).
  20. So I couldn't find anywhere else to fit this in (and I'm not sure if it's postworthy anyway), but I've been encountering a glitch during Pokemon Online battles as of late. Basically, the glitch's basic effect makes it that I am unable to switch pokemon and therefore have to forfeit, be it a casual, tourney or league battle. It occurs in one of two situations: First: The enemy makes my pokemon faint using Volt Switch/U-turn and switches. Second: I make the enemy's pokemon faint, but my pokemon faints in the process (e.g life orb, recoil). It gets really frustrating, occuring in many fun/enjoyable matches. Any knowledge of this glitch is much appreciated.
  21. *laughs at wrestlemania, causing it to explode* *Walks off with the hill*
  22. The Fush


    banned for... involving quotes in this thread?
  23. The Fush


    banned for banning someone for liking typhlosions.
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