I was about... 4 at the time, and i got Pokemon Crystal Version, my first video game ever (don't ask me how I got it, I have short term memory). I started playing it, grabbed a cyndaquil having no idea what i was doing, and just cleared the whole game with him. I was completely addicted to it, and NOTHING (with the exception of SSBM (my second game ever) from time to time) could stop me from playing it. I maxed levels, got dragonite, etc. (and was still oblivious to a lot of the factors in the game (which caused me to take, like, thirty tries to flamethrower Claire's Kingdra to death). It was the exact same thing when i bought sapphire about 5 years later, with mudkip. As time passed by at end-primary school (I live in england, keep that in mind), i bought games from all generations (not EVERY single game, there were some exceptions (though i never got pokemon 1st gen (not including firered))) and got hooked on even spin offs such as colusseum. Then high school came, my life fell in a pit, and i had to start studying more seriously. I started playing other games (though i played pokemon every now and then), and it became... a stalemate, you could say.
But when the 5th generation came out, I bought black version early on, and played it through. I stopped again for a bit, looking back at the older generations, but then restarted a file.
Unfortunately, I went to a games festival one day, and lost my DS lite and all my games except for two there (one being heart gold, which i only found YESTERDAY). My 3DS was useless due to needs of migration and poketransfering, so i bought another DS lite and pokemon White, retaining my spirit for pokemon. I also got platinum and started on heart gold again, transfering as many pokemon (starters took AGES too sort out) as i could to pokemon white, as I bookmarked Serebii.net and got a sudden interest in the strategic wi-fi side, understanding EVs now and all that.
While I still train and pursue on the DS, i got Pokemon Online, met this server and carried out my newly learned (but still terrible XD) strategies. And that's where I stand as of this moment.