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The Fush

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by The Fush

  1. *Fires The Cookie Cannon At Maelstrom with an impact that changes the gravity back to normal* GIMME DAT HILL.
  2. *Remembers What Happens When I Don't Have The Internet With Me QuitRage.
  3. The Fush


    Banned for NOT just randomly waltzing in on interesting topics.
  4. *Puts A Banana Peel Where The Rock's Foot Is While He's Dancing* *The Rock Trips Over* MY HILL NOW.
  5. Kangashkan with Scrappy uses focus punch since sableye just uses will-o-wisp so U MAD BRO? if we have too many non weakness pokemon, we'll have to keep on using mold breaker and scrappy...
  6. i was once banned temporarily after talking too much by breloom bot... I failed to realize that edge was trying to clear my chat history... Derp.
  7. [quote name='Maelstrom' timestamp='1333062074' post='30076'] The solution is simple. Round up everybody nearby, punch them in the face, and see if they change back. =P [/quote] Technically, there could be other Zoruas around who are innocent... and that might cause just as much trouble. Or you could copy yourself into a rich lawyer or somebody who isn't allowed to be punched.
  8. You know you're a noob when you don't attack during a battle to try and get your opponent to forfeit out of boredom, which would make you feel like you were victorius.
  9. Ice, Ice and More Ice. Though I don't generally specialize in a type, I do pretty good with rock...
  10. Angry Happy as a profile picture... why not *instant respect*
  11. [quote name='Miku Hatsune' timestamp='1333040307' post='30048'] ZORUA! I would be a Zorua <3 I could disguise myself as a human and punch people in the face without going to jail! [/quote] The possibilities of punching, or even bombing people and not going to jail is just.... wow.... I am scared.
  12. Well, that'd be good, because you'd have a harder challenge at a plac OTHER than those frontiers or stuff...
  13. Does anybody even realize that the storyline will be different? That's what interests me the most...
  14. I would be a Munchlax, because i am almost completely like it. I am lazy as hell, love sleeping and while i don't eat as much food, i eat quite a bit of junk food. And I'm a derp.
  15. Ice: Glaceon (Prime Example Of An Ice Type) Normal: Munchlax (It Looks Hilarious) Dark: Deino (It Looks Like Such A Bawss To Me...) Fire: Typhlosion (Nostalgia) Flying: Articuno (It Looks Awesome) Ground: Stunfisk (Best Derp Ever) Steel: Metagross (Also Looks Awesome) Bug: Shuckle (Everyday I'm Shucklin') Electric: Pichu (Adorable, And Looks Awesome With Those Blue Goggles In SSBM) Water: Empoleon (Penguins FTW) Poison: Trubbish (Rubbish Bag... Epicness) Rock: Archeops (Super Dodo To The Rescue!) Psychic: Latias (I Have No Idea... I Just Like It) Ghost: Drifloon (Adorable) Fighting: Emboar (Hooray For Pigs!) Grass: Turtwig (It's A Turtle) Dragon: Flygon (Looks Epic, And Has A Unique Typing) Glaceon, Deino, Munchlax And Archeops Are All Joint Top.
  16. Happy birthday to both of them!
  17. Greetings *Drowns Challenging Legendaries Like Terrakion In A Cascade Of Bad Puns. What A Terracastrophe*
  18. Okay, now this quiz has just lowered my self-esteem (and raised my forgetfulness when posting)
  19. WUUUUUUUUT MAGIKARP? But i should be a munchlax...
  20. Wait, i don't know how to post images... OR it's just that I accidentally DELETED it because my computer sometimes forgets what the image was...
  21. *Gives Wolf A Cookie*
  22. Absolutely fine and punny as ever.
  23. Oh, and i am addicted to ice types... and i forget to mention stuff... like I did just now... and how many puns is that exactly, Phoenix?
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