Ice: Glaceon (Prime Example Of An Ice Type)
Normal: Munchlax (It Looks Hilarious)
Dark: Deino (It Looks Like Such A Bawss To Me...)
Fire: Typhlosion (Nostalgia)
Flying: Articuno (It Looks Awesome)
Ground: Stunfisk (Best Derp Ever)
Steel: Metagross (Also Looks Awesome)
Bug: Shuckle (Everyday I'm Shucklin')
Electric: Pichu (Adorable, And Looks Awesome With Those Blue Goggles In SSBM)
Water: Empoleon (Penguins FTW)
Poison: Trubbish (Rubbish Bag... Epicness)
Rock: Archeops (Super Dodo To The Rescue!)
Psychic: Latias (I Have No Idea... I Just Like It)
Ghost: Drifloon (Adorable)
Fighting: Emboar (Hooray For Pigs!)
Grass: Turtwig (It's A Turtle)
Dragon: Flygon (Looks Epic, And Has A Unique Typing)
Glaceon, Deino, Munchlax And Archeops Are All Joint Top.