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The Fush

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Everything posted by The Fush

  1. Aight motherfuckers Veigar's gotten his little rework on PBE and while I'm not good at writing official shit I'll try to put in my own words Firstly, his Q; far better now. Has a Lux Q effect in that it can pierce through a single enemy so he can grab 2 minions at once giving him some nice sexy increased farm. Range also appears better, and it's a skillshot now so you can actually pick off running scrubs that you can't see. Apparently the cooldown's lower at lower levels but not as low at higher levels so it's more consistent but less snowballish all game, a change that I don't mind at all considering that I love everything else about this. W's claimed to have no changes but it appears a little faster to me, eh anyway E's been arguably nerfed but IMO it's just a lot fairer now. The radius of the horizon is fucking gigantic so you can hit it from further away and it's better at catching multiple enemies now, which, combined with his piercing Q means Veig overall has some more multiple target options now if you play him right. It also means that, combined with his new Q range he can play a lot safer early game if he choses. The big thing is that there's a 0.75 second delay that means the enemy has a small window of time to react, but it's hilariously large now so it's easier to catch them with it if you predict their movement in advance, and still has that domineering presence even when it's not up so it's fairer to both sides and actually requires some skill now. R apparently got an AP ratio nerf but the cooldown is lower like with his early-game Q so that means Veig's sacrificing a little bit of his humongous power to have some more consistent damage throughout the game, another change with I'm completely fine with. Overall Veig definetely has a higher skillcap now (if not all that high still); play your cards right, you can kick ass left and right and possibly flip the birdie at old Veigar, though misplay also means less damage than old Veigy. He's more fair to both sides, is more interesting to face and has more options, reliability and consistency damage plus faster Q farming so now while it feels like R nerf makes him deal less he can probably scale up a LOT quicker, which is essentially the trade-off for DFG of course I'm a shit player so we'll see if I can actually still be good at him like I was but I definetely think these changes are for the better and makes his game a whole lot more interesting
  2. It definitely looks more like her new model but artwork wise I preferred the old one
  3. I wouldn't really expect an assassin to be working on having a pretty face all the time generally people wouldn't even see it if that was the case I can see the reasoning in the arguments though, proportion wise
  4. $182.59* get yer fuckin facts right
  5. about like £120 convert that to dollars yourself
  6. no need to take such a sharp tone with me
  7. erick's mood's gonna have a diminuendo after all those new sona players show up
  8. so basically you mean every season
  9. I theorize he was playing master yi under the foolish hopeless impression that he was still viable as AP
  10. are you sure that isn't just shadow kanji
  11. sounds like a lot of things going on this season aswell tbh
  12. That's a pretty silly comparison to make to begin with considering they have completely different genres and tones to begin with AGK's pretty much a typical shonen when you boil it down, Parasyte's anything but
  13. My attention was grabbed the second I saw the words Amethyst and tRPG in the same place
  14. to this day i giggle at anyone who sees izaya as a good person yeah, first season has a lot of points where it gets slower which season 2 isn't really falling victim to at all so far thankfully
  15. I always feel bad for celty regarding a lot of things she's the most damn likeable and relatable character in the whole show despite being the least human out of them which is quite frankly really well done of whoever made this series
  16. yeah good luck with that pal
  17. Veigar's never gonna be seen in the ban status and I'm going to be very happy with that
  18. didn't really consider zed too much of a threatening guy to face anyway so this is probably one of the most trivial patch notes in other news jesus christ Fizz's W changes are monstrous the second he buys a liandry's and nashors is the second he fucks everything up in seconds, doesn't even matter that Q's essentially been reduced to a gap closer now
  19. all this time i find it hilarious that i didn't even run dfg until about 3 months ago on veig (because i was still an idiot) and even i forgot to get it half the time and EVEN then i forgot to use it half the time and the best part was that it didn't really affect my win rate in the long run since i kinda build veigar weirdly in comparison to professional players of him anyway (because unlike them I can't sustain my mana pool and q farming on equilibrium alone) probably why I'm so apathetic to the loss, I'll probably just put a void staff in it's place since it works just as well for stopping tanks that and there's gonna be a replacement anyone know why dfg was removed anyway
  20. I don't have power to prevent you from hacking my posts please help me those new skins aren't fuckin messin around at all until you get to varus that is
  21. How to play Sacred Stones in 2 simple steps: step 1: Seth step 2: win
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