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The Fush

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Everything posted by The Fush

  1. as an fyi I also have a WurmpleHeaded on NA in other news skinspotlights showed arbiter vel's animations and now I'm awestruck further and also lacking money
  2. i'm indirectly and unreasonably selfishly hurt
  3. IMO Azir's a worse matchup than Talon is for Veigar because while Azir isn't able to secure as many kills with him, he has the same dangerous amount of poke but at a far longer range than Talon and is far better at keeping you away from your farm, which is just as good a way to shut down Veigar as killing him is With Talon you can at least try to Event Horizon on yourself to stun him if he Cutthroats you so you have a small chance of getting away, while Azir doesn't even need to kill Veigar to kick his ass to begin with
  4. the fact that you managed to survive a lane against azir as veig is impressive to begin with
  5. Game 9 of 10, preliminaries: shit was intense as fuck, panicked a lot because i had to spam actives to save my ass proud, even though we won the last the teamfight because zed d/ced about half a minute before it happened real highlight was the fact that i had about fucking 2k AP EDIT: Got Silver 2 in the end, not bad
  6. RETURN OF VEIGAR DUO LANE shout out to best soraka support, synergizes really well with Veig's turtling early game, especially at bot
  7. Look at these scrubs who can't even handle monster houses
  8. the batcave entrances at the bases finally have a purpose
  9. I was worried at first and then I looked at the bottom point and I felt relief
  10. m8 if you think your shiek is good enough to be banned I'm gon dunk yo ass
  11. The salt is real for real I understand their power but they're not making the same gap from the other characters as meta knight did in brawl i mean, half the reason's diddy's so powerful is because of that upair launch anyway and shiek's still lacking in the kill move department might not be deathblowing flaws but it's more of a bind than any problem meta had in brawl
  12. Dude that fucking Vel'koz skin is the next almighty
  13. Favorite is Veigar because he's the only champion in the game who has the potential to one-shot anything with 1 of 3 different skills nasus step it up
  14. Pretty much everyone knew that and it's why a lot of people watched it and then were soon after let down
  15. He also composed the music for Aldanoah.Zero which sounded fucking amazing, although I pretty much lost interest in the anime itself after the first couple of episodes
  16. Anyone else hyped for Durarara sequel tho
  17. same stance here, though at least we'll have the godly composition of the man us mortals call Hiroyuki Sawano.
  18. Honestly I probably wouldn't even be noticing the difference if I just played a game with them
  19. i haven't drawn anything other than sketches in ages and then christmas came up so I could be "the art guy" and just draw shit for my friends My friend's a giant .hack nerd so I drew her this for christmas i feel like i'm kinda missing some of my old shading depth though sigh but was good I'm happy I did okay she loved it is gud
  20. I get incredibly wound up whenever someone takes what I say COMPLETELY the wrong way because it happens all the godamn time I feel confidence in the clarity of the statement and then I'm fucking shot down and this hasn't changed at all in the last few years Like, I know it's silly of me to expect that people are always going to be on the same page as me but I still get needlessly frustrated
  21. Here comes the melee level advanced techs brace yourselves
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