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The Fush

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by The Fush

  1. UBW's not gonna end until the end of the next season, if the second half is started straight away next season. If not, it could be finishing even later, unfortunately.
  2. I believe you're thinking of Teemo good sir
  3. Steins;Gate got pretty fantastic, but I felt like the slice of life element present in most of the first half dragged on a lot and wasn't all that entertaining until shit went down; be prepared to deal with that.
  4. It's annoying that I'm gonna have to get the PS4 if I want Disgaea 5, but it's looking to be pretty solid in terms of game mechanics (we've already seen some of the UI) and the art looks really polished this time around.
  5. what if you're watching champloo as we speak huh
  6. you theme so much to me yes please
  7. Arkhidon's sudden ability to draw bottom-right corner greenery to himself notably terrifies me
  8. Jack Frost: Ikaru Snow Queen: Amethyst Polar Monarch: Mobius The Frost Monarch
  9. I'd argue Kennen doesn't qualify as an excellent pusher, since you're wasting all your mobility and over half your energy and stuns simply clearing a single wave. It generally tends to leave him really open.
  10. If you're gonna build AP/AS instead of a more pure AP build then prepare to run Nashor's Tooth; provides everything Kennen could want, that being AP, AS, AP on autoattacks for bonus damage with W passive and some CDR too. Lich Bane is also highly recommended, but'll take some good timing if you want to combine it with your W passive. That's about all I'd suggest for it though, since Kenny loves his normal AP classics such as Deathcap aswell and it's best if you run those alongside with them anyway.
  11. ame pls the menus are just gettin more confusing now :U

  12. To be fair, there were some points regarding that where they pulled our leg entirely; I just think it's use as a whole didn't have much of an effect.
  13. i did not think that the hats would ever be avenged congratulations
  14. Honestly, I didn't have too much of a problem with the ending, though it was pretty lacking, likely again because of how rushed it was because of skipping all the chapters. The final battle was pretty nicely done though. Overall, show was nothing special; the deaths felt kinda like they were done for show and most of them didn't evoke too much emotion in me, but I'd consider it average.
  15. thank you dan i now have grinch rin complete with christmas fluff ribbon
  16. Dan, give Rin the grinch to my left here a hat
  17. Galio is a pretty decent threat to Veigar, but he doesn't have as much offensive pressure as some of his other counters so Veigar's likely to still be able to farm, though he won't be netting any kills early on. I'd say Veigar's worst matchup is against Syndra, just because she has all the CC, range and poke she needs to fight him early on and COMPLETELY deny him from getting any farm of sorts, since the second you passively step in she's poking you with spheres left and right. Other bad matchups for Veigar would be Zed and Orianna, IMO; essentially champs that have both the poke and the range (or slight durability in Zed's case) needed to push him out. I'd argue Zed is less potent as a counter, however, because Veigar can build around him if he rushes tear for the mana and then goes for Zhonya's, and smarter players will probably be able to avoid his Qs more easily, since they're more telepathed and have a smaller radius than Syndra's or Orianna's Q.
  18. I've never seen you back up a single one of your opinions on LoL threads in other news Riot pickin the wrasslin' skins john cena will become lee sin soon enough
  19. Even if mael takes an avatar recommended for him here it'll only last him about 12 hours before he changes again wink wink
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