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5 Fledgling

About Wisp

  • Birthday 03/07/2003

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    Video games: Splatoon, Mario Kart Wii (CTGP ftw), Smash Bros., Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Terraria, Skullgirls, 3D Mario games, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Rivals of Aether, Super Monkey Ball, Kirby Air Ride, Sonic Riders.

    Hobbies: Drumming, working, being an idiot online and irl

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  1. I always forget pickup exists, I will definitely try that instead! Seems like a lot less of a hassle
  2. So I'm replaying Reborn for e19 and I forgot about the Leftovers quest... Yeah I sold my Balm Mushroom... I would be happy to give any starter eggs for a Balm Mushroom or Leftovers!
  3. No worries! The hype has gotten to your brain and is making you more and more hype so things that might seem common sense really aren't
  4. I totally agree with the first part of your reply lol, gonna be thinking about e19 every day. Also, for your question about taking your mons to your new save file, I know you said 'fluidly' transfer, but I don't see why you couldn't trade them to the new file?
  5. Last time I got on a hype train like this Charlotte drove us through the Underground Railnet in a half broken down train at max speed. Safe to say we're all in for a hell of a ride again
  6. I think this game is getting hyped by the devs in all the right ways. Getting little snippets and teasers is making me really happy. Shout outs to the dev team for all their hard work!
  7. Damn now that the release date for e19 is revealed I have Splatoon 3, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, and obviously e19 to look forward to next year! 😮

  8. Wisp

    e19 when

    Agree with all of this and I laughed at the mention of Lucia’s back sprite, her hair looks like it’s falling apart lol
  9. Wisp

    e19 when

    I love you dev team
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