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    The ePiC Meme Maker
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    In the depths of the internet graveyard
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  1. I used a phantump with destiny bond (it gets it at lvl 39) and a quick claw. Then I just reset until the quick claw activates (which is about a 23% chance) and boom gardevoir ded. The other pokes are ez to take out. Alternatively, u can use a pokemon with endeavor (pretty sure rattata gets it early) and a focus sash (u can get it in the room right before the rift huey and rift reina fights). not guaranteed but its an ok strategy.
  2. Hi, I'm playing Pokemon Rejuvenation v12 and I would like an Alakazam for my team. When I try to get to the place, though, there's a mineable rock blocking my path.I mined it but I still couldn't get there. Is there any way to get to Abra without having to deal with that or has it been changed in v12?
  3. Hi, I'm playing Pokemon Rejuvenation v12 and I'm at the battle with Angie in Casual mode. Problem is, whenever I use a move it usually misses. It's really annoying, whenever I'm really close to beating her I miss a move, which usually leads to her sweeping my team. Even 100% accuracy moves miss, is this a bug? The farthest I've ever got is her only Walrein at red health. Here's my team: Empoleon @ Quick Claw, Lvl 50 - Surf - Whirlpool - Aqua Jet - Metal Claw Banette @ Muscle Band, Lvl 50 - Shadow Sneak - Shadow Ball - Sucker Punch - Will-o-wisp Drifblim, Lvl 50 - Stockpile - Spit Up - Amnesia - Shadow Ball Solrock @ Twisted Spoon, Lvl 50 - Zen Headbutt - Psywave - Stone Edge - Explosion Amoongus, Lvl 42 - Synthesis - Toxic - Sweet Scent - Giga Drain Umbreon, Lvl 43 - Moonlight - Cut - Bite - Quick Attack I usually start off with Explosion from Solrock, killing her first 2 Pokemon but also killing mine (Solrock and Amoongus). Then I switch into Empoleon (because of Metal Claw) and Banette for chip damage, and this is where the missing starts. Umbreon is used for potion stalling. Drifblim can't tank a hit from any of her Pokemon. If anyone could help out it would be much appreciated.
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