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  1. Hey glitchedcat could you fix mine too? I've been wanting rotom but I don't know what to do to fix it...
  2. Did you have to revert a file to a previous save to do this because I've saved so many times over the ending of the quest that I doubt I'll be able to go back to it, nor will I want to as I now currently have every pokemon that's available shiny
  3. Yeah I got that too, I just thought I should let the devs know about it. If any of the devs read this thread please know I'm not trying to rush you guys I just wanted to let you guys know about a bug
  4. So I know that you can catch prism pokemon and that you can get black prisms from the spirits of certain characters that have passed in the game after beating them again, but I wanted to reconfirm something I thought I read Jan post about: if you catch a prism pokemon and you decide to use it while it holds the black prism, will it also get the +2 omniboost, or is it only when it's a wild pokemon and I just read things wrong?
  5. So I'm already done with all the game's content upto the karma files and then I converted the game over, however I have been seeing an issue where major events in the game that are supposed to be completed already are suddenly not anymore, like when you first meet Angie in the Church of Theolia. I wanted to get all the legends available but I can't because whenever I go into Angie's dimension now, I can re-do the story up until her fight where you are outside her room with Cera giving help on her fight because when I try to go in I am immediately blocked by a big ice spike in the way and I genuinely don't know what to do about it.
  6. I can tell you that for Regirock you just need to do all the darchlight crystals in Cubi Maximus/Excellus whatever the ruins under caratos are called now and eventually you'll find Regirock; Registeel you just go to Saki's gym and go to the first door on the right and try to save all the kids in the factory, then after progressing that story you'll find Registeel; I could'nt tell you as far as Regice because I'm stumped on it myself since I genuinely think my game is a glitched, at least in Angie's dimension, so all I can really say is that it's there somewhere
  7. Wait "Mall Opportunities" gives a sticker now? Huh, that's new; what if I already completed the quest and converted the file over to the current version? Is there a way to still get it?
  8. So as far as Regice... what happens if the game is converted and thinks you didn't beat angie yet in her dimension, yet I already have all 15 badges that are in the game? I went into the dimension and was able to go through the events of the dimension, but once you get to Angie's room there's a piece of ice in the way that won't budge and essentially I would get trapped in Angie's dimension for the rest of the game :/
  9. Nvm, you get get it when you go through the temple XD
  10. Wait if Bagon requires togepi to trade, then where do you get togepi? Last version it was a random mystery egg gift trade with a kid on route 4 for a phantump egg, but otherwise it wasn't in the game.
  11. Anyone know if Aevian Sigilyph can still be obtained after converting? I tried goinf to the tower and there's nothing but a few trainers and the final room with the bell, which is empty.
  12. Wait, how do you get to Helojak? My file is converted so I just start at the end of 15 and don't know anything about it
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