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8 Fledgling

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  1. As Lin's biggest fan, this is fucking amazing. AAAAAAAAAAA-
  2. For a more genuine question: how excited are you guys for working on Rejuv post-V14, with the end of this incredible story in sight? Dumb question for everyone/anyone not named Jan: On a scale of 0-11, how comically evil has Jan been acting during development overall?
  3. WOO new Mr. Luck stuff! This is getting exciting! We're in the endgame now people!
  4. Plot related question, I just beat Aya and I don't know where I have to flaunt my TMX4 Strength at to progress. The Episode 17 Walkthrough page says stuff about Tanzan Mountain being right after Aya, but I don't know where to find it. Any help?
  5. Yeah another thing with the lava, I know that before, I drained the lava successfully twice, but for some reason now, the third pool of lava to drain is there again? Can someone help me?
  6. Up to Pyrous Mountain, search for Cal. Team is: Greninja Lv.40, Bewear Lv.39, Slurpuff Lv.39, Gogoat Lv.39, Arcanine Lv.39, Sandygast Lv.40.

  7. Yes, I have Space mapped to both Action and Cancel/Menu. I don't use it for controlling, tho.
  8. Okay, I'm at Apophyll Academy island, and im looking for Cal. Problem is, how do I drain the lava on 1F? I can't progress w/o doing so.
  9. Thanks so much, man! You were a great help!
  10. I'm in the Blacksteam Factory basement, and whenever I teleport a Pokemon to the cage and have it use a move, the grunt stops me from doing so. Could someone tell me how to correctly solve the puzzle?
  11. Could you include the solution for how to get out of the Pokemon prison in the Blacksteam Factory's basement?
  12. So I was told by the NPC who gave me the mining kit to use the spacebar to switch between pick and hammer, but when I press space in the mining process, I end up striking the rock instead. Can someone help me solve this?
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