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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by R3m3dee

  1. R3m3dee


    Alrighty, I shall be ready by then
  2. R3m3dee


    Offensive, please. And I'm awake now lol, if you're available. Unless 10 is when you're available the soonest...
  3. R3m3dee


    Ah, I'm gonna be a bit greedy here and say the Drapion level 75 hehe, and yes to the other 2 offers. I can't thank you enough for this. Also I just woke up, so yeah I'm sorry for the late response xP
  4. R3m3dee


    I am aware of where to find Skorupi and Drapion, but I really need a quick boost for exp so I can get it to level 75+, it takes way too long when you don't get the boost from pokemon that are event or just not yours. If anyone has a Skorupi, bred or otherwise, may I please have it? Many thanks!
  5. Thanks again, do you need this back?
  6. I'm still on, and thank you so much! My user is Revenant
  7. Heya! Anybody have a Dragon Scale they would be willing to give away? Been fishing for one for a few days now (yes a few days, around 3-4 hours at a time) and I'm getting really really annoyed. If someone could trade me a pokemon holding one so I can get it off of them for my Seadra, that would be great!
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