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7 Fledgling

About TheSoaringRaven

  • Birthday 10/01/2003

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    NSW, Australia

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  1. hmmm downsides from Mr Luck Would they, I dunno,
  2. paragon for me I can't really be or like being mean for the life of me
  3. Gen 9 is mostly solid across the board, but the feesh is so feckin cute, so good pick. But I am very interested with how you will introduce terastalization and paradox forms
  4. Since Delphox is kind of already taken, lets do Blaziken. Blaziken Type: Fire/Fighting Ability: Multiple ideas 1. Moxie (leaning towards this) 2. A combination between Moxie and Speed Boost (functions similarly to Calyrex's As One) 3. Pure power (Possibly broken) STATS HP: 80 (+0) ATK: 185 (+65) DEF: 50 (-20) SPATK: 166 (+56) SPDEF: 50 (-20) SPD: 175 (+95) MOVES: LEGENDARY: Sacred Fire or V-Create (Sacred Fire is solid damage with no drawback and V-Create is massive damage but lowers speed and defences, leaning towards V-Create) STANDARD: Close Combat (Because why not?) Completely doubling down on being a very fast glass cannon. Now takes hits as well as a Grimer. But having attacks stats so unreasonably high well than makes up for it.
  5. The same room you got the choice of a team from, should have erin and ren in it.
  6. It's a good thing I was wearing my brown pants in this section ; ]
  7. Go to the place in the battlefield mirroring Ren's spot.
  8. Get ready for a mess D-R-D-R-U-R-D-L-U-R-L-D L-U-R-D-L-U-R-U-R-U-R-D R-D-L-D-L-U-L-R-U-L-D-R D-R-U-R-D-R-U-L-D-R Not sure if completely correct, did it on paper but pretty sure its right.
  9. With v13 coming out and removal of the gates in GDC, I can no longer find kimono girl Lana after saving her in the nightmare world. Can someone tell me where she would be now?
  10. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  11. I'll vote myself for sunlit sovereign and crimson for midsummer queen
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