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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by TheSoaringRaven

  1. hmmm downsides from Mr Luck Would they, I dunno,
  2. paragon for me I can't really be or like being mean for the life of me
  3. Gen 9 is mostly solid across the board, but the feesh is so feckin cute, so good pick. But I am very interested with how you will introduce terastalization and paradox forms
  4. Since Delphox is kind of already taken, lets do Blaziken. Blaziken Type: Fire/Fighting Ability: Multiple ideas 1. Moxie (leaning towards this) 2. A combination between Moxie and Speed Boost (functions similarly to Calyrex's As One) 3. Pure power (Possibly broken) STATS HP: 80 (+0) ATK: 185 (+65) DEF: 50 (-20) SPATK: 166 (+56) SPDEF: 50 (-20) SPD: 175 (+95) MOVES: LEGENDARY: Sacred Fire or V-Create (Sacred Fire is solid damage with no drawback and V-Create is massive damage but lowers speed and defences, leaning towards V-Create) STANDARD: Close Combat (Because why not?) Completely doubling down on being a very fast glass cannon. Now takes hits as well as a Grimer. But having attacks stats so unreasonably high well than makes up for it.
  5. The same room you got the choice of a team from, should have erin and ren in it.
  6. It's a good thing I was wearing my brown pants in this section ; ]
  7. Go to the place in the battlefield mirroring Ren's spot.
  8. Get ready for a mess D-R-D-R-U-R-D-L-U-R-L-D L-U-R-D-L-U-R-U-R-U-R-D R-D-L-D-L-U-L-R-U-L-D-R D-R-U-R-D-R-U-L-D-R Not sure if completely correct, did it on paper but pretty sure its right.
  9. With v13 coming out and removal of the gates in GDC, I can no longer find kimono girl Lana after saving her in the nightmare world. Can someone tell me where she would be now?
  10. I'll vote myself for sunlit sovereign and crimson for midsummer queen
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