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About Gamulation

  • Birthday 03/21/2004

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    Gaming, anime and being with friends

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  1. Oh the left and right sounds really helped. Thanks for adding that! I really like the game. Great music, and the story is good from the videos I've listened to..
  2. Hi. I have no idea if this is the right topic to post this in, if not please let me know and remove it. I've come to ask if something is possible. Is it possible to ad text to speech to Pokémon Reborn? This would allow blind and low vision players to read text and options without having to guess where everything is. As a blind player I can say that this is very frustrating. Now. I have no idea about the limits of RPGMaker XP, but I thought it would be best to ask and if it's not possible then that's perfectly understandable, as this is not the most modern thing in the world. I was wondering if it could be possible to get speech via this: https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/tree/master/extras/controllerClient This would let our speech program interact with the application and get text to then speak out loud. Again I have no idea if this is even possible. Would anyone be able to test to see if this is possible? Thanks for reading and have a still awesome day!
  3. So I have noticed a few things while checking e19 out, no spoiler worthy content, no worries. It's related to the battle system. The attack hit sound now playes as it should on both sides, not just the right, but the fainting sound only playes on the left, that's really weird. The stat changing sound, either up or down playes in the center, so I have no idea if it effects me or the other. The Pokémon cry also playes in the center, this is not a huge deal, but would be nice to have the sounds play where they should. All move sounds are mono and in the center as far as I know, that is also not a problem, and is the least effecting point here. Burning and simular things also play in the center. So yeah, a lot of things are weird when it comes to the battle system. This is not Reborn spesific though. Would it be possible to fix all these things with a patch update? It would be really nice having them play correctly. I don't get why this wasn't done in the first place, but this I think isn't the Reborn dev's fault, as this seems to be something defaulted in assentials. And the text sound effect is actually a menu sound from the DS games, what's up with that? I mean, I can change it myself, but really?
  4. E19 beta just came around, so not every mod is updated, but I don't know. I just hope accessibility increses for Pokémon Reborn.
  5. I would like to have speech output via microsoft sapi in real time, but I don't think that's possible
  6. not as far as I know, would be interested to use it with E19.
  7. Hi. Does the accessibility mods work for V19? Sorry for bringing the topic back from the dead.
  8. I don't think that's possible. OCR can give you some great resolts though.
  9. It's two down when you go into the options menu. If I'm not mistaken. Could also be three.
  10. Wow! Every time I go to sleep this topic explodes. It's amazing to see so much activity in a topic that I thought was gonna dissapere in 2 days. Seems I was wrong.
  11. I can find the poke center, that works, but I am stuck now, can't progress. I am in the place after you get your starter. I think I need to find the factory.
  12. I was only able to find the Pokémon center, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but that's all I could find.
  13. Why does this always happen when I'm not looking? LOL This sounds amazing, will download and test now. Will give you feedback tomorrow.
  14. This is really amazing! I never thought this topic would blow up the way it did, it has over 1K views, amazing really. The path finder mod sounds fantastic, and something I defenetly will show of on a stream or something, Sounds amazing. Again, I just want to say thanks for making these kinds of things, it really makes a differense when it comes to accessibility.
  15. The stream start's now, or in 5 minut's, something along those lines.
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