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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KingAJX

  1. It'll be more helpful if you give me hatched. I will be available during 9-10am EST. My id is KingAJX.
  2. I need the following pokemons- Shuppet Pancham Nidoran(F) Cranidos Shieldon... Plz help me... I have filled 650 entries, only few left to be filled.
  3. Hey danielz, can u give me an egg of shuppet and pancham? Actually I have also restored the city.
  4. Ok, my online name is KingAJX.I will be only for 1hour now. If you want to trade do it now.
  5. I want a shuppet and nidoran(female). I have already filled 630 dex entries. Can anyone give me a egg of shuppet or spare shuppet or nidoran(female)? can anyone help me? i can give you any starter eggs.
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