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  1. I need a steel/ground type and these are the ones that are available. Thanks a lot if someone can help me with this.
  2. Yeah. Im on right now. My name is the Yoooommeeee
  3. I was doing a monotype run so i didnt pick those up but it wasnt enjoyable so I decided to switch up my team. I just got to the circus and am about to face Samson
  4. I don't really have anything to give back but I want to use these to help me with the next gym. It also helps with my reserves because they give me good coverage. I would very much appreciate it the help. I have a discord if we want to communicate through there too
  5. I also have a discord so if someone could help me, we could talk through there
  6. i would be very appreciative if someone traded me one. I just got shiny type:null and i want o keep this one bcause it has really good IVs. Thanks a lot if you can help me
  7. Could i trade my audino and have someone move tutor it skill swap? I want to try and use slaking in the ice gym and upcoming double battles. I have a discord so we could talk about it through there.
  8. I added you. DM me when u r ready. I might nto be home in a little
  9. I am doing a normal mono run and I didn't get either of them in the events. Could someone trade them to me? I don't really have anything to give back if you want something from me
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