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  1. Any plan to update this for 19.5 since this only has the eeveelutions and not extra gen stuff?
  2. Doesn't seem to work for me even if I replace the files in the script/reborn folder.
  3. @AironfaarNot sure why, but I tried testing it at a low number and somehow it works. So 100 is instead 0% and 0 is 100%
  4. @AironfaarTried a new game to see if it was my save, but still had same problem with nothing being picked up even at 100 and not holding an item. Tried by battling a trainer and wild pokemon. I don't keep many backup saves to save space only 5 so by time I noticed this happened I had saved to many times to go back, but I think this started when after I used the switcharoo move. Tried testing if using the move again fixed the problem, but it did not also the pokemon that used switcharoo was not my pickup pokemon.
  5. @AironfaarNo my pokemon doesn't hold an item and I tried 3 different pokemon with pickup ability including catching a new mowth with the ability as well.
  6. @Aironfaar Thanks I remember this option from ep 18 just not sure which mod had it and it made using pickup ability worth it without having to have many or all party with the ability to so just raising to 25% to 50% kept it from being broken while only need to use 1 pokemon in your party. Since I had to edit this anyways though to say this here. When I first added the pickup option is worked well, but after awhile it stopped working and even trying it at 100 it doesn't work. I don't get any error message so I got no idea what happened.
  7. Is the option to change pickup chance going to be added back in?
  8. This might have need asked already, but I had no luck finding. Is there going to be a QoL update for the pickup skill in ep 19 to change the percent chance of pickup getting an item?
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