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Asnaeb last won the day on September 14 2023

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  1. Take all the time you need. Y'all are great! I just have 1 expectation: Please... Please when you put gen 9 to the game, don't rockruff(you know what I mean) my boy, Mankey.
  2. It has to be exactly that loudred. So you have two options: 1) continue from an old savefile which you didn't send or evolve the loudred. 2) Use the password: freemegas
  3. There are two sellers at the candy shop. Look again. One of them definitely sells them.
  4. It's in the game. Just play through and you will find it.
  5. they probably used reverse candy so no problem.
  6. Nope. Black prism gives boost only to wild pokemon.
  7. Am I the only one who got stuck at chapter 11? I found all the mail boxes. Rhodea tells me to do the steps but I just cant do it. Fell so stupid right now... Edit: nvm. I was just overthinking and didnt even see the shop lol
  8. You can get dawn stones from mining rocks too.
  9. Ok I just looked at the new wiki page and learned that its after you beat Souta. If anyone else wondering, you can cry with me now...
  10. Uhh are you sure? I beat Amber and did all the Kristilline quests, including Jenkyl's. Still can't learn egg moves. I downloaded whole game and started fresh. Is there something wrong with my game?
  11. Dude! You almost gave me a heart attack! Thanks, man.
  12. When does she teaches egg moves? Still after Kristilline? I don't want to dump my starter for his dragon dancer son, man...
  13. You can buy blast powder from black market and find itemfinder at mirage town.
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