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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by scarwolf22

  1. So I decided to start a new save file upon downloading V13, however I’ve noticed something. That in V12 I could challenge a rift Pokémon with my main team, have some trouble but still pull through. However, with the V13 update I haven’t been able to defeat a single rift Pokémon because of their stupid raid den shield! And it seems like they also got a power boost because I kept getting one shotted so many times I lost count! To even have a fighting chance I had to get my Pokémon to the lvl cap which is something I didn’t want to do. Because I like lvl up my Pokémon as I explore an area. Am I the only one struggling with this or is everyone having this problem? If anyone has any suggestions I’m all ears because even after dropping the difficulty down to easy these rift Pokémon were still one shooting my Pokémon.
  2. Yeah, i had to restart the game because I lost my character Frost to this bug! I have learned from this lesson though, and now I triple check how many backup loads i have
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