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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Bladeheart111x

  1. Mega Charizard G is missing its shiny sprites (and the Shiny Mega Charizard Y sprites are incorrectly being used for Mega Charizard G) (sorry if the image gets double posted, I am unused to posting images in spoilers) EDIT: also just noticed Shiny Base Charizard's inconsistent sprite colors
  2. probs because allgen edits the files that break compatibility with this mod
  3. tbh I'm not sure what's wrong with having spinoff-exclusive moves
  4. kinda already done (you probs would want the Advanced version of the 2nd mod in this thread https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/65249-karvanhas-modular-mods-for-reborn-e19/
  5. it's planned, Fervis just needs sprites, icons and maybe to script events for the DLC non-paradox legendaries (as Ogerpon and the Loyal Three don't have events in the mod yet) also the Paradox event is probs gonna get edited with the Indigo Disk paradoxes)
  6. that still begs the question of how the Teal Mask tera repcica form will work (as that mask doesn't have a held item form)
  7. the mod description has an error in Prowess's effect: Hidden Power is a move, you were thinking of Huge/Pure Power
  8. I mentioned this on Discord the day the mods were taken down, but good luck on rebuilding them!
  9. sad to hear that... I hope someone picks this up soon...
  10. question: what parts of of the mod box is incompatible again?
  11. Question: why did you dummy out the Hisuian Zorua line?
  12. maybe it's my memory but I do know that 3 of Oricorio's 4 forms do have their cries shuffled (the exception being Sensu) EDIT: Cufant Definitely has Hangry Morpeko's cry somehow non-Gmega Copperajah lost it's cry to Cufant's too
  13. Hi ICSW, me again. By fixing Hatterene's cry you accidentally messed up a few other cries (such as Cufant's) also, some cries are suddenly quite quiet (like Bunnelby and Espurr)
  14. I asked the dev of the game, and he said that I could share the cries right away, but not the OWs (he's releasing a demo with the PLA mons, but he doesn't want to share his sprites just yet because he's not that keen on giving advantages to other fangame devs (which is rough, considering his upcoming game is on a completely different Essentials version from Spork (the indev game is on v19.1) His fangame will also be my source for the gen 9 cries that are available at release of SV EDIT: also, are you aware of the error in non-G-Mega Hatterene's cry?
  15. sorry for coming back to this post after a while, but the the dev of the fangame I got the SWSH DLC cries from is developing another fangame that might have Dynamax. If it does, do you want me to provide the cries for the Urshifu Gigantamegas? The full game will have gen 9 mons (at least the mons available at SV's release,) so I'll provide those cries too if you need them EDIT: it'll have PLA mons too(even in its demo if my hunch is correct), so if you don't get the necessary stuff to add the mons before the demo drops I'll ask the other dev if I can use his overworlds for PLA mons (the game has following pokemon)
  16. I realized that... thing is, i have only one GPU(intel HD Graphics), but I'm gonna try to use it in high performance mode and if that fails, i'm gonna wait until i get a new pc
  17. okay... I'm still gonna use the old SWM modpack stuff for the mods that are in the e19 update for the time being (type display and item radar)... I don't mind the cursed differences (if my game doesn't crash...) EDIT: turns out that type display is screwed up by how outdated it is...
  18. I never noticed, but I guess that might be why my shared box bugged out when I tried to check it too early in my current save...
  19. you could use the password on the train to get it at the Grand Hall
  20. oh... I never knew that Rejuv talk was allowed in this subforum... I assumed it was Reborn-only...
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