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  1. Is it possible to change gender of our pc? Sorry if I posted this in wrong place.
  2. Where can I get the ability capsule earliest in the game?
  3. I was thinking about starting from beginning so should I start or is there any new update is coming soon?
  4. Hey the tutors for heat wave, gunk shot and many other moves are not there in my game. Is it something that i did wrong or are they removed in current version?
  5. Sorry I dont know if this is the right place to post this. Does adding unobtainable pokemon using debug mod breaks the game or not? Such as rookidee
  6. Can i play E19 on 32-bit pc or not?
  7. when i open my game(v13.0.3) it is saying not compatible with your version of windows so can we play v13.0.3 on windows 7 (32 bit) or not?
  8. I have download the game today only so I have to download again or not
  9. Can anyone tell me what we have to do after downloading patch v13.0.2
  10. Can someone tell me which one is good Toxtricity or Aevium chandelure
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