Hello everyone !
I need to get emolga por the painter quest (route 2). I didn't see one up to that point, can we find it in the V13.0.5 ?
Thanks in advance !
Hello @DelRad, yup still looking for it. I can breed you a Stunfisk, no problem :). If you're available, I'll be connected around 6 pm, username : Bastos.
Tell me if that's ok for you
I'm still looking for it indeed, as I can't mine a helix fossile as well :p. I can breed you a lunatone, no problem. I'll be connected around 6 pm, username : Bastos.
Tell me if that's ok for you
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a Lileep and Tyrunt to finish my pokedex, I can't mine them for 2 weeks now. I can trade anything else.
Thanks in adavance !
I'm looking for a Lileep or Cradily to complete the Pokedex, but i can't mine a root fossile. Can someone trade me one ?
Username : Bastos
Thank you in advance !